ET3D: I think that's true, and violence in either direction is a problem. Still, in the context of this video what bothers me is that she discusses a connection between these games and general attitudes and how they tie to violence, when it's all just speculation. It's no better than blaming video games for a crazy person's shooting attack, and in possible worse, since it's even more tenuous.
As I said earlier, I don't think she makes a strong enough connection between games and real-world consequences. However it wasn't just about violence. She listed a variety of other near-subliminal effects relating to interpersonal dynamics. What many here seem to be missing though, and which she herself hasn't explored yet...
ET3D: These tropes do present a problem in that they can alienate women who want to play such games. It would certainly be good if game creators gave female gamers more of a thought (and better yet, made women a regular part of game creation). the effect of these roles for
female gamers. The chainmail bikini can not only alienate females tired of such portrayals, but also deny women the outlet of playing as powerful, competent individuals.
Games give us the opportunity to have false experiences, that is, things we will never actually do such as seize a castle or fly a starship. Despite them being false, we can still have real emotions resulting from them. Most importantly, games can serve as an emotional "supplement" allowing us to experience emotions that are lacking from our recommended daily allowance. Games of empowerment for example, where the player dominates others in the game world, are popular amongst those feeling powerless in real life. Being powerful, successful, rich and revered, even if only in a game, can be emotionally satisfying in the real world.
Women, who may struggle with power and respect issues in real life, may benefit greatly from being able to play games where they are the savior of the kingdom, the hero of the Norbon Galactic Empire, or the slayer of the Mongol Horde. When games continually portray them as big breasted victims, moaning for help, it's kind of hard to maintain the image of a strong, victorious woman. It's hard to derive the emotional satisfaction of being a powerful woman when games, as a whole, don't offer you that possibility.
It sucks when even games won't let you live out your fantasy.