Starkrun: You don't understand how bad the DRM was and how obscure this title was.... it fits here perfectly... unloved unplayed voted down, more DRM then any game ever had to date at release. Two Worlds is what GoG stands for, its what there core principle support.
This above all else is why the site was made.... bring the best of the worst, make it work strip the DRM and create something everyone can enjoy... im happy, this is the direction i love to see. Old games are fine and all but when you toss a few 4 year old games on board why not...
the game was based off 6 year tech updated as best it could for 2007 standards. I feel this is more than appropriate, and im not so nerdcore to complain when the DRM beast of Two Worlds (the spore of 2007) converts to DRMfree though GOG.
I quite agree! You said it well. Fits the GOG theme perfectly.
And I am really enjoying this game. Lots of fun and looks great. It's a great value if you like the "explore your world" kind of RPG's.
titosmiley: Couldn't have said it better. Although frankly the game doesn't even feel that "B-movie" to me - but as I've said, I never witnessed the English voice acting. But even disregarding the main story (which is secondary anyway) the game feels, with its soundtrack and game world and so on, like a very high value production to me.
I think the main misunderstanding is really that while Two Worlds "knows what it is", many people approach it with the wrong expectations. Perhaps the main storyline helps this misunderstanding because it gives the impression that it is just another of those good-looking but linear RPGs you just play from start to finish and never again (such as, sadly, Oblivion, to the shame of its predecessors). But Two Worlds really is halfway on the path to a "fantasy world simulator" � la Mount & Blade. The fondest memories I have of the game is of admiring the beautiful sights while riding through the countryside, arriving in a cosy village and talking to the townsfolk about their daily worries - the world just feels real and alive, which is a rare accomplishment for a game. Players who are not fond of such heavily freeform gameplay will not get much enjoyment out of the game, but it's not the game's fault. As you've said, I think the developers really accomplished what they set out to do.
That's why I couldn't think of what I would most want the developers to improve in Two Worlds II. I want a new giant and beautiful world to explore, ride around and kill stuff in, and tons of items to collect. I don't need/want an encompassing story to lead me from start to finish. In my opinion Two Worlds is really right up there with Morrowind and the (first two) Gothics.
"The fondest memories I have of the game is of admiring the beautiful sights while riding through the countryside, arriving in a cosy village and talking to the townsfolk about their daily worries - the world just feels real and alive, which is a rare accomplishment for a game."
Being very busy most of the time, one of the things I really like about it, is how easy it is to just pick up and play for awhile at any time, set aside when something comes up, and then come back and jump back in. I just like to relax and have some fun and this game delivers that in a big way.
Other times I really dig in deep (like Gothic) and play hard, but for some relaxing fun, this is good, too. I'm Ok if it's not insanely hard, the world is gorgeous and fun to explore. That in itself is enough for $9.99 to me. But I like the "Might and Magick" feel, too. I get that from this game. Maybe it's just me. ;)[
obscurelyric: May as well throw out another reason to get Two Worlds. There is a SDK available for modding.
One disappointment I have with Two Worlds is that the amount of backlash it got scared a lot of modding groups away. I look at it like this: It's may be flawed to some, but the tools are there to change it. If you're a modder, why not give this title a look? I know I give every title that has modding tools available a look, because I love modding. I also love commas.
I don't think the modding potential has really been exploited. This and The Witcher. It's a shame, because it discourages devs/publishers from bothering to put together a public SDK.
Ok, I'm a little biaised in that I enjoy this title quite a bit, but I'd love to see modders create for this game a litle more. It's not broken like everyone is saying and any perceived problem can be overcome.
I did not know this -- exciting news! I do hope someone picks this up. Such a beautiful world and engine to work with, I'm sure a lot could be done. The possibilities would seem to be endless. Wish I had the time. <sigh>