gandalf.nho: I second that. I hope to see the entire Ultima series and Wasteland (the spiritual ancestror of Fallout series).
Sadly, EA doesn't have any incentive to release those old games (Origin Systems was consumed by EA in 1992). EA only exists to crank out sequel games, such as The Sims 4, Madden NFL 2020, FIFA Football 2015, NCAA March Madness 2017, Tiger Woods PGA 2011, Rock Band Nirvana, NASCAR? (that's a new one on me) or MMOs such as Ultima Online, NFS Online, Burnout Online, Pogo. EA doesn't want an old or used game market, as that cuts into their very profitable new game markets. How much can Madden change between 2010 and 2011? Also, some people seem very happy to plop real money down on virtual goods for The Sims 3. All that's like a license to print money for them.
Looks like they were after Take Two, but gave it up for some reason.
If you need a list of which companies EA has killed:
Pandemic Studios (Australia)
NuFX (Chicago, IL)
DICE (London, Ontario) - closed within 6 hours of purchase
Westwood (Las Vegas, NV) - absorbed into LA office
Maxis (Walnut Creek, CA) - absorbed into Redwood office
Manley & Associates (Seattle, WA)
Origin Systems (Baltimore, MA & Austin, TX)
Black Box Games (Vancouver, BC)
Bullfrog Productions (Surrey, England)
Companies which EA is consuming:
Visceral Games
Mythic Entertainment
Tiburon Entertainment
Phenomic Game Development (Ingelheim, Deutchland)
JAMDAT Mobile (Bucharest, Romania)
Dreamworks Interactive LLC (LA - acquired 2000)
Bioware (CA and TX offices)
Criterion Games (Guildford, England)
Bright Light (Guildford & Surrey, England)
Digital Illusions (Stockholm, Sweden)
Headgate Studios (Salt Lake City, UT)
Okay, I'm going to stop now, getting depressed by all this.