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Yaaaaaay! I had Still Life on download form, but the DRM kept me from installing it. :(
Post edited September 14, 2010 by TheCheese33
SLP2000: Hey GOG, where are RPG releases?
In last three months we got 10 adventure games (including 5 King's Quest & 3 Space Quest games), 2 strategy games and 4 shooters.
And there are tons of unreleased good old RPG games, so you have no choice.

I second that. I hope to see the entire Ultima series and Wasteland (the spiritual ancestror of Fallout series).
I will definately be buying this game. Problem is that I have an impossible playlist right now as it is. It'll have to wait a little bit and then it will be mine.....ALL MINE HA HA HA.
Another game to pass.
sounds interesting. will buy it but not now. a bit too many games (and i bought commandos yesterday as i messed up gifting)
lukaszthegreat: sounds interesting. will buy it but not now. a bit too many games (and i bought commandos yesterday as i messed up gifting)

Well, not the worst game you could have accidentally bought.
I've heard great things about Still Life but never played it. Will put it in my cart waiting for that must-play-now release to purchase everything in the cart at that point, which for some reason has become my style of purchasing on GOG. Last time it was Raptor who triggered a 6-game purchase.
I always wanted to play this and Post Mortem. Going to my wishlist, getting it when I get some cash handy. Thanks GOG! :D
stonebro: Well, not the worst game you could have accidentally bought.
I've heard great things about Still Life but never played it. Will put it in my cart waiting for that must-play-now release to purchase everything in the cart at that point, which for some reason has become my style of purchasing on GOG. Last time it was Raptor who triggered a 6-game purchase.

that's a weird way to buy games :O
I think I'll buy this. Ready for a dark adventure :D
Eclipse: And on the side of action rpgs, I'd love to see a very underrated game called Silver here on gog, as it doesn't play well on modern systems.

Great Release, GOG team! This game is sort of a sequel to "Post Mortem", also by Microids, but fortunately the connection is minimal, so there is no real need to play them in order.
I really liked the atmosphere in this game, the only bad part is the stupid baking cookies puzzle, don't feel bad if you have to look up the solution for that one.
gandalf.nho: I second that. I hope to see the entire Ultima series and Wasteland (the spiritual ancestror of Fallout series).

Sadly, EA doesn't have any incentive to release those old games (Origin Systems was consumed by EA in 1992). EA only exists to crank out sequel games, such as The Sims 4, Madden NFL 2020, FIFA Football 2015, NCAA March Madness 2017, Tiger Woods PGA 2011, Rock Band Nirvana, NASCAR? (that's a new one on me) or MMOs such as Ultima Online, NFS Online, Burnout Online, Pogo. EA doesn't want an old or used game market, as that cuts into their very profitable new game markets. How much can Madden change between 2010 and 2011? Also, some people seem very happy to plop real money down on virtual goods for The Sims 3. All that's like a license to print money for them.
Looks like they were after Take Two, but gave it up for some reason.
If you need a list of which companies EA has killed:
Pandemic Studios (Australia)
NuFX (Chicago, IL)
DICE (London, Ontario) - closed within 6 hours of purchase
Westwood (Las Vegas, NV) - absorbed into LA office
Maxis (Walnut Creek, CA) - absorbed into Redwood office
Manley & Associates (Seattle, WA)
Origin Systems (Baltimore, MA & Austin, TX)
Black Box Games (Vancouver, BC)
Bullfrog Productions (Surrey, England)
Companies which EA is consuming:
Visceral Games
Mythic Entertainment
Tiburon Entertainment
Phenomic Game Development (Ingelheim, Deutchland)
JAMDAT Mobile (Bucharest, Romania)
Dreamworks Interactive LLC (LA - acquired 2000)
Bioware (CA and TX offices)
Criterion Games (Guildford, England)
Bright Light (Guildford & Surrey, England)
Digital Illusions (Stockholm, Sweden)
Headgate Studios (Salt Lake City, UT)
Okay, I'm going to stop now, getting depressed by all this.
gandalf.nho: I second that. I hope to see the entire Ultima series and Wasteland (the spiritual ancestror of Fallout series).
PincushionMan: Okay, I'm going to stop now, getting depressed by all this.

the only good game EA has released recently was Mirror's Edge - it was original, with smashing feel of movement (after the first chase I've actually caught myself breathing heavily as if I was actually running :), but it didn't sell well, so no such games any time soon... Let's do new Madden... hooray........
Post edited September 14, 2010 by thewishingwell
Whoa! Been having my browser refresh the page every two minutes, then happen to come back in and see the ever-generous Wishing Well has dropped a code. My heart half-skipped two beats plugging it in, and I turn back to see it was posted "2 minutes ago". Of all the releases to catch, this one looks p damn cool. I'll be sure to boot it up and get started playing once I've slept, in honor of the Wishing Well's goodwill!
EDIT: And it's so cool that this game has so many digi-goodies. Time to add the soundtrack to my big ol' videogame music list. On that thought, for any of you who've played Puzzle Dimension, they're offering the soundtrack on a name-your-price basis, so you can 'buy' it for zero dollars, but still drop them some bones if you like it enough. There's also a handful of tracks by the Aquaria composer for a few of Kyle Pulver's games. Just a couple recent additions to that aforementioned list (and maybe I should get around to another Humble Indie Bundle game besides World of Goo).
Post edited September 14, 2010 by TJF588
Looks like "TJF588" just beat me, oh well enjoy the game. I probably don't need it right now anyway it looks like King's Bounty that I got from the last promo is going to last me a very long time.