Posted January 12, 2010
The last of three editions, realMYST brings us one step closer to completing our collection of titles from Cyan Worlds.
Unlike the original Myst and the remastered [url=]Masterpiece Edition, realMYST offers a free-roaming environment, instead of prerendered still images with some videos, where available. With visual quality similar to, if not better than the [url=]Masterpiece Edition[/url], combined with being able to move almost anywhere you want, this remake is a big step forward, letting you really explore the exotic Ages. The storyline remains pretty much the same as the original one (which is a good thing), but with a few additions, like an extended ending, featuring one more Age for you to discover.
Unlike the original Myst and the remastered [url=]Masterpiece Edition, realMYST offers a free-roaming environment, instead of prerendered still images with some videos, where available. With visual quality similar to, if not better than the [url=]Masterpiece Edition[/url], combined with being able to move almost anywhere you want, this remake is a big step forward, letting you really explore the exotic Ages. The storyline remains pretty much the same as the original one (which is a good thing), but with a few additions, like an extended ending, featuring one more Age for you to discover.