Paczyk: Might and Magic: World of Xeen (4 and 5 ) are with voice acting.
Hmm, I did some more research and unfortunately found this:
"The soundtrack consists of three components: a General MIDI music track, incidental sound effects, and, on the CD edition, full voice for all in-game dialogue. The music is cheesy and repetitive, but it still adds to the mood of the game and doesn't get on your nerves. Sound effects are loud and somewhat crude (figuratively and literally; the city guard on the Darkside says "Fuck off" if you don't have a pass to that city), including both incidental sound effects and some short speech clips. The full voice is handled somewhat oddly, increasing the difficulty of retrogaming, as each voice sample is set up as a Red Book CD audio track on the CD rather than as a sample, requiring the use of the original CD (which the CD version will not function without)." There is no trace of the CD images in GOGs version, so I must assume
they are missing the additional in-game voice acting after all. Another problem: When you try to leave the first city, there is a copy protection check. You have to enter a password from the manual. Unfortunately
the manual provided by GOG is not compatible with this copy protection check. The correct passwords can be found here: