yeah. it is pretty bad MOO sequel but as a stand alone game...
I like the concept. Running interstellar empire. instead of micromanaging it.
Bought the game. Played once. failed completely (my army got wiped out in few turns by enemy. on medium difficulty. cause i tried to play it like MMO2) then final exams and i moved to australia.
so need to rebuy it someday. wonder what the patched changed. if it made game more accessible: yay. if it simplified the game then no. I prefer to suffer for the accomplishment than win by having patch make stuff simple
again: cause i really like the concept.
thx for the game. probably ill buy it around september.
kalirion: Well, let's look at the bright side: after Blood 2 and MoO 3, there are no more bad Atari sequels to games already on GoG. Right?
blood 2 bad....
i resent you so much.