Nissur: More expensive than I had expected.
Best in the series though. Definitely more
simulating than MOO2.
I actually still own this game, and bought it at launch. I was expecting MOO2 with better graphics, instead I got a game that was more happy to play itself than to have me interact with it. I'm interested in the mods though. I again suggest that GOG find a more permanent way of hosting mods, 'cause the unpopularity of MOO3 may see its mods disappear.
One more thing that occurred to me: If GOG doesn't get the source code, how do they remove copy protection? A little reverse engineering, or does the publisher keep unencrypted copies lying around? I'm curious, because a lot of these old game publishers can barely manage to keep the game with copy protection bits in place, and seem to frequently format the source code server less than 6 months after the game's released.
That last statement was anecdotal evidence from fatbabies; take with cow-block sized grain of salt. No, I don't remember which game in particular they were referring to, but it was right around the 2001 tech bubble bursting.