Syme: I love this game! Excellent addition, GOG.
I do have one question: Is the game speed throttled in this release? I recall my last time playing it, even the slowest speed would fly.
I haven't encountered any speed issues; the game runs for me at the same speed it did a long time ago, when it was relatively new.
ambient_orange: is it more addictive than pharaon? :) what are the differences and main features? missions are boring or not?
I couldn't say which one is more addictive. I haven't played that much Pharaoh, but I recall the AI (which guides your citizens) is better in that game.
The assignments are, in my opinion, not boring. Sure, your task is always to reach a certain pop limit and have predetermined ratings, but there is great variety in the landscape, the Emperor's reqests, invading armies, etc.
Red_Avatar: Not that excited about this release. It's a great game but one which has been re-released a thousand times over and which can easily be bought for next to nothing on eBay in new condition (Sold Out version). I was hoping GOG would stick to harder to find games.
I'm positively pleased that it's here. Even if it's commonly available, I found it much more convenient to grab it from GOG.