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Yeah, other/better AITD games please. :) Always wanted to get into this series, but I don't think I'll be playing this one. Only have time for greatness.
¿Aren't we moving away from what this web is supposed to be? Alone in the dark was one of the most amazing and immersive games when it was released. It was back in 1992. THAT is a Good Old Game and that's the kind of game this web should promote. I understand that when the original game is on GOG, then you release the rest of the series to complete the collection, but don't do that! Don't begin by the fourth game when the first one is the masterpiece.
Maybe this is because of the publisher, that wants you to sell a newer game instead of the oldest, but you know the kind of people who visits this site. People that's not afraid of pixels or old graphics. We want Alone in the dark, the original Alone in the dark, and we will pay twice for that game than for this one.
By the way, the 'tank' control could make sense then, but not now. And even then it was annoying most of the time. But it was one of the first 3D games (I can remember those polygons when the character gets close to the camera) and it was a required step. Then full 3D first person and third person shooters arrived and everything changed.
I once tried to play Alone in the dark 4 and the first thin I thought was "In ten years they couldn't correct that? A modern Alone in the dark should be more comfortable for the player. I want to know where I am shooting and I don't want strange surprises every time I get a new corner and I found myself looking to another direction". I uninstalled the game five or six screens after the beginning, when an animal was killing me and I was killing the air.
I admire the work you do here, but I repeat: please, bring the masterpieces to us, not stupid sequels!
Well, at least you are not selling the movie.
ivant: �Aren't we moving away from what this web is supposed to be? Alone in the dark was one of the most amazing and immersive games when it was released. It was back in 1992. THAT is a Good Old Game and that's the kind of game this web should promote. I understand that when the original game is on GOG, then you release the rest of the series to complete the collection, but don't do that! Don't begin by the fourth game when the first one is the masterpiece.
Maybe this is because of the publisher, that wants you to sell a newer game instead of the oldest, but you know the kind of people who visits this site. People that's not afraid of pixels or old graphics. We want Alone in the dark, the original Alone in the dark, and we will pay twice for that game than for this one.
By the way, the 'tank' control could make sense then, but not now. And even then it was annoying most of the time. But it was one of the first 3D games (I can remember those polygons when the character gets close to the camera) and it was a required step. Then full 3D first person and third person shooters arrived and everything changed.
I once tried to play Alone in the dark 4 and the first thin I thought was "In ten years they couldn't correct that? A modern Alone in the dark should be more comfortable for the player. I want to know where I am shooting and I don't want strange surprises every time I get a new corner and I found myself looking to another direction". I uninstalled the game five or six screens after the beginning, when an animal was killing me and I was killing the air.
I admire the work you do here, but I repeat: please, bring the masterpieces to us, not stupid sequels!

Sometimes GOG receives games out of order. It happens. Also, as time goes on, other games will be considered "old", and "good" is subjective. You may not agree with applying either adjective to this release, but others might.
ivant: �Aren't we moving away from what this web is supposed to be?

No, not really. We already have shitty games here (Lionheart, anyone?) since the beginning of GOG.
Hopefully the first three will be added to GOGs collection, the first AitD is one of the best games I have ever played, especially with the voice acting. Spooky.
Never played The New Nightmare though, may give it a try despite it generally being considered the worst of the series.
dlcraddock: Sometimes GOG receives games out of order. It happens. Also, as time goes on, other games will be considered "old", and "good" is subjective. You may not agree with applying either adjective to this release, but others might.

I can understand that someone will find this game good although I don't. But what I'm saying is that THE game here is the first Alone in the dark. Releasing AitD 4 before it is a misunderstanding of what a Good Old Game is. If the first one hadn't been such a modern, innovative and "critically acclaimed" game when it was published, then I wouldn't mind the order in which they appear on GOG. But it was, and now it seems that the fourth part is taking all the merits as a Good Old Game when the first one deserves them.
Let's say it this way: go to , search for Alone in the Dark and look at the votes. You will find something like this right now:
Alone in the Dark: 421
Alone in the Dark 2: 347
Alone in the Dark 3: 327
Alone in the Dark - The trilogy (1+2+3): 351
Alone in the Dark 4: 188
Alone in the Dark (2008 version): 103
Would you choose Alone in the Dark 4 or the 2008 version to publish them before the others? It's simply not the right choice. Would you add Max Payne 2 before Max Payne?
It's good enough for me if that means that we will have Alone in the Dark soon at GOG, but i still think it's not the right way of adding it here.
ivant: I can understand that someone will find this game good although I don't. But what I'm saying is that THE game here is the first Alone in the dark. Releasing AitD 4 before it is a misunderstanding of what a Good Old Game is. If the first one hadn't been such a modern, innovative and "critically acclaimed" game when it was published, then I wouldn't mind the order in which they appear on GOG. But it was, and now it seems that the fourth part is taking all the merits as a Good Old Game when the first one deserves them.
Let's say it this way: go to , search for Alone in the Dark and look at the votes. You will find something like this right now:
Alone in the Dark: 421
Alone in the Dark 2: 347
Alone in the Dark 3: 327
Alone in the Dark - The trilogy (1+2+3): 351
Alone in the Dark 4: 188
Alone in the Dark (2008 version): 103
Would you choose Alone in the Dark 4 or the 2008 version to publish them before the others? It's simply not the right choice. Would you add Max Payne 2 before Max Payne?
It's good enough for me if that means that we will have Alone in the Dark soon at GOG, but i still think it's not the right way of adding it here.

You're presuming they have a choice as to the order the games they get arrive in. If they get the fourth in a series should they hold off on releasing it until they get the older ones or release them as they get them? How is the fourth one 'taking' all the merits from the first one?
There are lots of bargaining and talks that go on between the publisher and Gog no doubt before they release a game, besides for all we know the reason they haven't released the first one is because they are having difficulties trying to make it compatible with modern systems.
Essentially, what I'm saying is, why shouldn't they release the games as they get them instead of making people wait?
Post edited July 20, 2010 by FlintlockJazz
I don't know if it's the case here, but sometimes a publisher has a license for part 3 or 4 of a series while another publisher that no longer exists or that the developer dropped is responsible for earlier or later parts. When you strike deals with publishers you sometimes get incomplete series.
Oh nice one GoG, I played a little of the ps1 version and liked what I played, IF a box set version comes with all AiTD games, I'll snap it up. If not, I shall get this in the future for sure. :)
Never played this, or any Alone in the Dark after the first two... might grab it someday, when I have less of a backlog to play through.
I agree the first would be a great release, hopefully we see that someday.
If the first 3 games don't come out on this site I will be deeply offended.
One way to put it is that this is a Master of Orion 3-ish release; i.e. good choice of series, bad choice of game. But yes, I expect the precise details of various publisher deals behind the scenes to be the primary reason for AitD4 showing up before (or even without) any of the superior and "GOGier" entries in the series.
Post edited July 21, 2010 by KEgstedt
Playing the original AitD games on DOSBox was kind of tricky if I remember correctly. If you ran the CPU emulation too fast the game wouldn't start. The CPU max and auto options were useless because of this. So you had to set the CPU to 30MHz (3000 cycles) just to get the game to start but it wouldn't perform very well, so you had to manually raise the clockspeed after the game had started to around 100MHz. Of course that was back with DOSBox 0.63 I think so maybe playing the original trilogy has become easier with 0.64-0.74. But if it's still that cumbersome to play the first three in the series that may explain why GOG skipped them in favor of The New Nightmare.
I for one am ecstatic about this release because I never played this one, even when I had a Dreamcast, but always wanted to. This game is kind of hard to find now and it never really got much attention during it's original release so I think this release choice is right up GOG's alley.
I have this game on CD, bought it some time ago and never go around to playing it. I would have saved some money if I had just waited for the GOG release. Originally cost me AUD $29.95. I know because I have a spreadsheet with my games on it (yes I'm that anal :)
FlintlockJazz: You're presuming they have a choice as to the order the games they get arrive in. If they get the fourth in a series should they hold off on releasing it until they get the older ones or release them as they get them? How is the fourth one 'taking' all the merits from the first one?
There are lots of bargaining and talks that go on between the publisher and Gog no doubt before they release a game, besides for all we know the reason they haven't released the first one is because they are having difficulties trying to make it compatible with modern systems.
Essentially, what I'm saying is, why shouldn't they release the games as they get them instead of making people wait?

I just had preferred not having AitD 4 on GOG if there are not plans of getting AitD or if it's impossible to make it compatible with modern systems, but I don't think either of these things is true.
I know it's not easy to get any of the games we have on GOG and I know there are hard negotiations with the publishers. But if what they want is to bring us AitD and they are talking with the publisher to get it, they must explain them that people here is expecting another kind of game (it's not my opinion, take a look at the GOG wanted games) and it will be easier to sell AitD 4 if people has the chance to buy AitD and the rest of the series before. It's not a usual game store, and if publishers can't understand it and keep in some way "contaminating" the spirit of this web, maybe their games shouldn't be here.
I'm being a little drastic, but Alone in the Dark fits so well in the definition of Good Old Game that I would prefer to wait without AitD 4 than with it.