BadDecissions: I had no idea there were new Red Dwarf episodes. I thought there was a very dramatic drop in quality during ... whichever was the first season to take place on the Star Bug ... and it never really recovered. Is Kochanski still around? Because she was boring.
It's 'back to the roots' sort of thing. As far as I can tell, they basically said "screw you" to everything that happened from 5th season upwards, and just started doing quality comedy again. Do note, however, that I loved Red Dwarf up until the last season, with the exception of miniseries - and I didn't necessarily hate those as well, I just thought they were rather meh.
PetrusOctavianus: So I'm sceptical to any new Red Dwarf episodes.
You can actually watch it
over here until the new episode gets uploaded.
Vermonol: Wow have not heard anything about this until now.
Yeah, me neither. And then, all of the sudden, this appears. I was happy. (well, I am)