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phoenixclaws: Also about the Oddbox. There has been no confirmed release and as far as I can tell it is probably delayed till the end of the year or till next year. If they ever do release it. I hope they do a windows version since I never got to play the last two games since they never did release ANY PC versions thanks to that exclusive deal with Microsoft and its XBOX system. Sigh...

Last news I heard of the Oddbox, I believe they said that Munch's Oddysee is ready to ship and they were just having some issues with Stranger's Wrath. I can't imagine it'll take them that much longer.
Anyway, I've been looking forward to the 4 pack for a while. I'd probably have bought Abe's games by now if I hadn't heard about the Oddbox.
Post edited August 17, 2010 by somberfox
Latest news from Lorne's FB:
"Sorry for the delays. Website is scheduled to go live very soon (being tested now) and the Oddboxx is coming along nicely. Release date not yet set, but will be in 2010. Lot's of progress, but not a final absolute release date yet. Progress is being made on all games. Steam achievements we're still trying to get into the old Abe games (some challenges there, as silly as it may seem)."
Not my type of games, but price reduction is always good thing from cutumer`s point of view.
If only some of the titles owned by Ubisoft could be sold for 5.99$...
$5.99? What have you done! This game is worth heaps more then that. I'd still buy it at $40.00 or more since it's better then most recycled trash that comes out today.
Games on here should be more expensive then steam. I think people forget that these games are DRM free (unlike steam) and you get heaps of extras (unlike steam).
GOG, don't cut yourselves thin.
Abe FTW!
Post edited August 17, 2010 by Cyrem
Sulibor: If only some of the titles owned by Ubisoft could be sold for 5.99$...

Would never happen.
Sulibor: If only some of the titles owned by Ubisoft could be sold for 5.99$...
Tantrix: Would never happen.

Do not be such a pessimist.
Some day they may go bankrupt and be forced to sell the rights for their titles...
Tantrix: Would never happen.
Sulibor: Do not be such a pessimist.
Some day they may go bankrupt and be forced to sell the rights for their titles...

And believe me, I will buy the goddamn rights of Prince of Persia and Beyond Good and Evil and make the goddamn best games of this series.
phoenixclaws: Edit:
Btw, remember in the booklet for the CD of Abe's Oddysee that they intended to release a Quintology in the universe of Oddworld. (Too bad that never happened :( ) We only got 1 game and its "expansion" story. Then we got the second game on the XBOX (which I think they shot themselves in the foot for doing) and then it sorta petered out.

From what I know, the fifth game was an RTS but got cancelled. It was called "Oddworld: The Hand of Odd".
somberfox: Anyway, I've been looking forward to the 4 pack for a while. I'd probably have bought Abe's games by now if I hadn't heard about the Oddbox.

Me too, The Oddbox is the only reason I haven't bought yet.
If the devs update the two older games with higher resolutions and extras, then I would love if GOG updates these two to the Oddbox version.
Latest news from Lorne's FB:
"Sorry for the delays. Website is scheduled to go live very soon (being tested now) and the Oddboxx is coming along nicely. Release date not yet set, but will be in 2010. Lot's of progress, but not a final absolute release date yet. Progress is being made on all games. Steam achievements we're still trying to get into the old Abe games (some challenges there, as silly as it may seem)."

From FB wha??! Got me thinking... hehe
Thanks for the news.
Chihaya: Once again, crap deals compared to what's frequently available on Steam, I got both games from there for like 3$. Sorry.

You obviously have never read Steam's policy's and the fact that you only buy licenses to play games through their software. However unlike Steam GOG gives you heaps of extras with no DRM (This is the main reason GOG exists and why people buy from them over everyone else, you on the other hand do not know what it is or care about it). Fact is, Steam is crap and filled with DRM compared to GOG which has no DRM whatsoever. GOG, I think charges too little and the minimum price should be $10. $6.00 just doesn't seem enough for the quality they give you.
So once again, a selfish and unappreciative user.
Post edited August 17, 2010 by Cyrem
I just wanted to mention that I got these games through Steam and regret doing so.
It took me over a year and a complete system reinstall before the games would work. Nobody would or could help me in Steam forums, and Steam support is a joke. I finally narrowed it down to motherboard drivers. Why did those drivers break the games? Hell if I know.
I hope the GOG versions aren't as picky about hardware.
Post edited August 17, 2010 by Foxhack
Chihaya: Once again, crap deals compared to what's frequently available on Steam, I got both games from there for like 3$. Sorry.
Cyrem: You obviously have never read Steam's policy's and the fact that you only buy licenses to play games through their software. However unlike Steam GOG gives you heaps of extras with no DRM (This is the main reason GOG exists and why people buy from them over everyone else, you on the other hand do not know what it is or care about it). Fact is, Steam is crap and filled with DRM compared to GOG which has no DRM whatsoever. GOG, I think charges too little and the minimum price should be $10. $6.00 just doesn't seem enough for the quality they give you.
So once again, a selfish and unappreciative user.

While you're clearly passionate about this, can we please try not to start painting users with a scarlet letter because they dare to have a different opinion than you? Thanks.
Anyway, this is a terrific move for the Oddworld games, though I (like many others) am waiting for the Oddbox with Stranger's Wrath. :)
Cyrem: You obviously have never read Steam's policy's and the fact that you only buy licenses to play games through their software.

Have you read GoG's terms of use?
You're buying a license from them too and they can remove your access to any game you paid for without explanation. This is a standard thing for ANY dd service, and it's not right to talk down one service for using it and then turn around to praise another service that uses it too.
Crassmaster: While you're clearly passionate about this, can we please try not to start painting users with a scarlet letter because they dare to have a different opinion than you? Thanks.

Yes I am passionate against DRM. And my comment isn't exactly opinion, there was fact in there. The only opinion was me calling steam "crap" and the part about how I think GOG charges too little. I guess the bright side is the fact the steam got little money out of $3.
somberfox: Have you read GoG's terms of use?
You're buying a license from them too and they can remove your access to any game you paid for without explanation. This is a standard thing for ANY dd service, and it's not right to talk down one service for using it and then turn around to praise another service that uses it too.

You missed the last three words of that sentence... "through their software". You see, with GOG games you are not restricted to where you install games or making sure you have a client first. It is against Steam's TOS to play games purchased through steam without steam. With GOG you can buy the game, download it and it is yours. Sure they can remove a game from your account if you are doing something illegal, but thats the same with almost every site on the net.
Post edited August 17, 2010 by Cyrem
My point, Cyrem : We all understand the differences between GOG and Steam. Some agree with you, some don't. That's all cool. Just please drop the preaching.
That came out of the blue.
I've posted my negative opinion of Steam on these forums more than once, but I have to agree that we don't need to derail another thread into an argument over Steam and the definition of DRM.
Post edited August 18, 2010 by Mentalepsy