What they are rolling out this winter sounds like Minecraft in Norrath which is quite a departure from what I think of as EverQuest. Apparently this roll out is a precursor to EverQuest Next and there is much more to come, whatever that means. Reading about it did leave me wondering if this will wind up being like a traditional MMO at all with quests, instances and raids or if it will be a casual game more focused on building stuff and destroying it as well.
Anyway, because it has EverQuest in the name I did sign up for the beta as I'd like to see whatever it is first hand. There is almost no way I'll play it though if they don't support the Mac and I don't think they have any plans to do that. Too bad. I guess I'll just have to stick with WoW, LoTRO, DDO, GW2 and ESO when it arrives and I made a point of telling them so, not that they care probably.