Navagon: So apparently Kalypso are working on what can only realistically be called a DK clone.
Wishbone: Yes! YESSSSSSSS!!! MOOHAHAhahahaaaa!
Seriously, it's about goddamn time. Maybe if this becomes a success, EA will finally get off their asses and do something worthwhile with that IP again. Release the originals on GOG, for a start.
Egotomb: Did bullfrog ever make a bad game? I know they were my favourite all time dev's.
They were an amazing development house. For the life of me, I will never understand how EA managed to kill so many of those off. Or why. You'd think once they'd bought a brilliant developer, they'd endeavour to let them continue to do what they did best. But no, the corporate line was apparently "buy, stifle, maim, blame and kill". How that could ever be seen as a sound business strategy is beyond me.
Corporate CEOs/executive management are control freaks that would rather suffer than let something successful keep working. I mean, if
weren't involved it couldn't be that successful.