Very devious of Electronic Arts! They make a new free-to-pay Dungeon Keeper just to irritate players, which makes the miffed players rush to buy EA's earlier games in the series (Dungeon Keeper Gold + DK2), from e.g. GOG! Can you say "ka-ching!"?
Anyway, I vote with my wallet, just like I do when I support DRM-free. I might load and try the new Dungeon Keeper on Android just to test it out, but I am not going to pay a dime for the micro-transactions, just like I haven't for Plants vs Zombies 2. I rather just stop playing the game if I find it is expecting me to pay money in order to proceed.
Then again, if these micro-transactions prove to be a similar money-making machine to EA as Clash of Clans is for SuperCell... what can I say? If some people really enjoy that stuff and are ready to pay for it, all the power to them I guess.
Come to think of it, a bit similar problem was already with old arcade coin op games. After all, their main point was to attract people to play the game, and keep inserting coins. So it normally meant very low learning curve, getting quite hard soon so that you just couldn't help but dying every now and then, etc.
There were some exceptions like the Nintendo arcade games (like Super Mario Bros), but I think in those you paid for playtime, ie. there was a timer after which the game would end, unless you inserted more coins? Or how in Gauntlet 1-2 you would insert more coins just to keep your health up in tight situations.
Post edited February 06, 2014 by timppu