Posted April 21, 2014
high rated
I came across for the first time today, by accident, as I was looking to purchase Broken Sword 5. An old school adventure gamer who generally prefers to load a game (or any form of software) via an actual physical disc that I can physically hold in my hand to install on any computer of my choice (I paid for the game, therefore I want to *own* the game and reserve the right to replay it again--years later--if I so choose, even if my old Windows 95 machine is in a landfill somewhere, I still HAVE the game) I have been resistant to downloading games/software from internet for that very reason.
But now that downloading is pretty well becoming the only option available, I do appreciate the fact gog offers a service which does allow you to make backups of the game for reinstallation or later play on any machine and does so at reasonable prices. Thank you for that. And while I would still prefer to have that factory DVD box set to place on my collection shelf next to Broken Swords 1 - 4, that doesn't appear to be an option at present - so, for now, I'll settle for the hours looooooooong download (a quick trip to Walmart or Bestbuy for a DVD-ROM that installs in minutes is still faster, that is, if they actually still *had* PC games in stock anymore) and I'll place a DVD labeled "Broken Sword 5" written with a Sharpie on the shelf instead. Regardless, I do appreciate that you have made this game available at a good price. I chose your site over the others offering the same game - for the better price and for allowing backups/reinstallation. I'm currently waiting for the download to conclude so that I can finally catch up with my "old friends" George and Nico.
Here are my questions regarding the site:
1. Using your GOG Downloader, about how long is a typical download for a game this size (about 7GB)? As I type this, it's already been going for about four to five hours, having only achieved 1.27 GB. At this rate, I'm anticipating up to twenty or more hours. Is that typical?
2. I'm very interested in browsing your catalog, which I have already begun. One minor annoyance, however, in navigating the flash/flash-like interface occurs as I'm trying to look through the titles alphabetically: If I stop to click on a title that interests me, then arrow back to the previous page/list, it reverts back to the very top of the list (the A's) instead of where I left off. And so fare it doesn't allow me to get through the entire list. I've only made it down to the S's (and usually not that far) before the flash interface locks up and just spins/churns trying to load the rest of the page, but never does. It would at least be helpful if there were buttons that I could click to look at all the A's, B's, D's, etc. rather than start at the top (the A's) every single time. Am I missing an easier method?
In addition to genre lists (which you do have) also title lists by *series* (i.e. all the Broken Swords, all the Gabriel Knights, whatever the series is) would be a nice feature - so that you can search for complete sets or find that one episode you missed ten years ago. Especially because some games aren't always titled 1, 2, 3, etc. Years ago, I bought Broken Sword 3 (there was no "3" in the title) by complete chance, not realizing (until I installed it) that it was a *sequel* to a game I had played back in the 90s (and still own) called "Circle of Blood" (Broken Sword wasn't even in the title) - and only then did I realize that there was also a Broken Sword 2 that I had missed (which I then ordered so that I could play that first). I'm a "completest," LOL. So series lists would be also be a nice feature if you don't have it already.
Thank you. I look forward to doing business with you.
I came across for the first time today, by accident, as I was looking to purchase Broken Sword 5. An old school adventure gamer who generally prefers to load a game (or any form of software) via an actual physical disc that I can physically hold in my hand to install on any computer of my choice (I paid for the game, therefore I want to *own* the game and reserve the right to replay it again--years later--if I so choose, even if my old Windows 95 machine is in a landfill somewhere, I still HAVE the game) I have been resistant to downloading games/software from internet for that very reason.
But now that downloading is pretty well becoming the only option available, I do appreciate the fact gog offers a service which does allow you to make backups of the game for reinstallation or later play on any machine and does so at reasonable prices. Thank you for that. And while I would still prefer to have that factory DVD box set to place on my collection shelf next to Broken Swords 1 - 4, that doesn't appear to be an option at present - so, for now, I'll settle for the hours looooooooong download (a quick trip to Walmart or Bestbuy for a DVD-ROM that installs in minutes is still faster, that is, if they actually still *had* PC games in stock anymore) and I'll place a DVD labeled "Broken Sword 5" written with a Sharpie on the shelf instead. Regardless, I do appreciate that you have made this game available at a good price. I chose your site over the others offering the same game - for the better price and for allowing backups/reinstallation. I'm currently waiting for the download to conclude so that I can finally catch up with my "old friends" George and Nico.
Here are my questions regarding the site:
1. Using your GOG Downloader, about how long is a typical download for a game this size (about 7GB)? As I type this, it's already been going for about four to five hours, having only achieved 1.27 GB. At this rate, I'm anticipating up to twenty or more hours. Is that typical?
2. I'm very interested in browsing your catalog, which I have already begun. One minor annoyance, however, in navigating the flash/flash-like interface occurs as I'm trying to look through the titles alphabetically: If I stop to click on a title that interests me, then arrow back to the previous page/list, it reverts back to the very top of the list (the A's) instead of where I left off. And so fare it doesn't allow me to get through the entire list. I've only made it down to the S's (and usually not that far) before the flash interface locks up and just spins/churns trying to load the rest of the page, but never does. It would at least be helpful if there were buttons that I could click to look at all the A's, B's, D's, etc. rather than start at the top (the A's) every single time. Am I missing an easier method?
In addition to genre lists (which you do have) also title lists by *series* (i.e. all the Broken Swords, all the Gabriel Knights, whatever the series is) would be a nice feature - so that you can search for complete sets or find that one episode you missed ten years ago. Especially because some games aren't always titled 1, 2, 3, etc. Years ago, I bought Broken Sword 3 (there was no "3" in the title) by complete chance, not realizing (until I installed it) that it was a *sequel* to a game I had played back in the 90s (and still own) called "Circle of Blood" (Broken Sword wasn't even in the title) - and only then did I realize that there was also a Broken Sword 2 that I had missed (which I then ordered so that I could play that first). I'm a "completest," LOL. So series lists would be also be a nice feature if you don't have it already.
Thank you. I look forward to doing business with you.
This question / problem has been solved by cmdr_flashheart