Thank you so much for the giveaway, SpiderFighter. This is the first time that I've won a game in the GOG forums! I hope that
won't disappoint you. I'm choosing Funcom's
. Thank you again.
SpiderFighter: READ THIS WHOLE POST...I threw an extra winner on, and I don't want you to miss it if it's YOU! :)
Whew! Hope you guys didn't think I'd forgotten about you. As a rent-a-nurse, my schedule gets pretty crazy at times, and this week was one of those times, so I apologize for not logging in.
Thank you to everyone for some great game suggestions, and also for taking the time to tell me why. Some of you wrote so much about a game that it made me remember why I love GoG so much: we're so passionate about our hobby! (Sorry to the one or two of you who suggested games I already own ;)
The three games I chose (I had to wishlist them instead of purchase, thanks to GoG's weekend promo lol) and, with them, the winners (up to $10, please):
Perimeter: I missed this one here. Never heard of it, and am excited to try it! Thanks to Mnemon for the suggestion! Pick your free game, good sir!
Trine - Another game I've never heard of...and as soon as I read "Trine is a physics-based action game where three characters combine their powers" in the description, I instantly thought of one of my favorite games of all time: Lost Vikings. Thanks to scriptbr, mefjak, Lexor, muddysneakers, Roman5, Accatone, and PandaLiang for the suggestion. And the winner (courtesy of is...Accatone! Pick your free game!
Fahrenheit - Yet another game I've never heard of. I love you guys! Thanks to drevo2 for the suggestion...pick your free game!
If I didn't pick your game, it's probably just because these were the three that made me want to play at this moment. If I looked at the list on another day, I'd probably choose three different games. :P
So many of you rightfully scolded me on not having historically signifcant games (I dunno why I don't have Lands of Lore...I actually knew the developers back when they first released the game in Ogdensburgh, NY, for crying out loud), and put so much work into your posts, that I decided to randomize a list of EVERYONE else who hadn't already won, as a bonus. And the winner is...klaattu! Pick your free game, sir!
Thanks again to everyone. Hope you had fun revisiting your faves, and congrats to the winners. I'll be back tomorrow morning to pass out the free games to those who have chosen.