tarangwydion: Just watched the trailer linked above. Awesome! So Hulk will be one of the good guys here? For a while I was worried he would be made evil, 'cause according to the Wikipedia article here, it is a possibility:
"Leterrier made the film's final shot of Banner ambiguous; the thought being if there is a sequel, it would mean Banner finally masters control over his anger; if there is not a sequel, the shot indicates instead that in the scheduled 2012 feature The Avengers, he becomes a menace."
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Incredible_Hulk_%28film%29 Well, in the comics he sort of did sort of didn't (he was deceived by Loki). However in those, he'd left before Cap'n USA showed up, so I guess they're taking their own course with these films.
SheBear: Yeah, except he is going to kill off main characters because he's a jerk. And that is how he works. Granted, I love him. But: jerk.
The thing I like best about Joss Whedon is the lack of character immortality. It's refreshing to know that when the guys are in trouble, they might not all come back out smiling. Compare that to the X-Files, where Mulder would jump into the water infested by fluke/shark/alien etc. and you just knew he was coming back out. It became tedious rather than tense to watch those scenes.