Red_Avatar: I hated NWN1. Yes, that's right, hated. A year or so ago, I tried to play it again, and I still hadn't changed my mind. The whole idea behind the game was flawed to the bone because of poor execution and unless you were among the few to have a good group of people to play with (a rare thing) you'd end up annoyed, frustrated and bored.
I heard the later expansions were better, but if we're talking about NWN1, it was pretty shit no matter how you look at it: the campaign was a complete joke. The quests were simplistic, predictable, the maps were uninspired and felt generic, the story itself was yawn inducing and that's without even touching upon the real flaws: how the game handled the story when in a group. Someone would accidentally talk to a vital NPC without anyone being around and then everyone would lose track of the story - or you'd be killed and resurrected while the others merrily talk to NPCs, meaning you're completely lost. No matter how hard I tried to keep track of the story, it was impossible. And this was with a group that really TRIED.
In the end, I just tagged along, giving up any chance of the story making any sense because the idiots at Bioware hadn't thought of *gasp* including a dialogue log which many other RPGs DID have.
You are not alone. Not at all. The story in the main campaign of NWN was horrendous anyway. I suspect that the attack at the academy at the start of the game was supposed to make you hate the bad guys, but none of the NPCs there had really shown any personality, and their deaths just ended up being a big *shrug*. I did not care, the game did not give me a reason to care. It was all just so poorly set up. If they had given you some time to get to know them, to flesh them out, to introduce the world properly, then the big attack might have worked, but the way they did it was just stupid.
Then we have what comes afterwards. You get to a new area, and you now have 3 directions to go. No, don't try to get to know any of the NPCs, they are unimportant. Their lives and personalities are unimportant. Just go out and kill stuff, and follow the directions of your superiors. Along the way you also get some followers, but they don't have any personalities, so don't worry about that. So you finish the area, and a new one. And guess what? 3 directions. NPCs are just as unimportant and bland as in the last area. So just go out and kill stuff.
And again you get to a new area. Same story as last time, 3 directions, bland NPCs. But what is that? Some of your companions actually have something to say about themselves? Too little, too late.
And then someone important dies, but as the person had no real personality other than the persons class, the persons death feels unimportant. It had been with you through the entire game, but was so bland that it might as well have been a scroll giving you directions on where to go next.
*sighs* From a storytelling point of view, NWN was a disaster. It was not just bad, it was horrendous. The expansions are better, but giving the low standard that the core game set, that is not really saying much.
*edit* Sorry about that rant, but I really hate NWN.