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high rated
I just had to tell everyone what's been going on over here. I JUST NEED TO VENT AND LET IT ALL OUT! I haven't done this on a Forum since 2008, but I feel I have to now. I've seen in the past others have done it to and they've felt better about it, so here I go.

I was excited for awhile now because I finally got a chance to get my New PC at long last. I Ordered it, but I didn't know the hell that would follow. We had an Old Mustang that we Sold for 1K. We were going to use that Money to fix up our Kia and my PC. I make only $741 a month because I'm live off of Disability. I also get Food Stamps. Out of my Social Security Checks and the 1K from the Kia, we're down to to the 1K now.

Why? Because after I ordered my PC, that's when the hell began. I went to the Local Wallgreens and bought a Vanilla Reload. The guy that sold it to me said I could use it to Refill my Paypal. I put $50 on it. I get home and try to use it and guess what? It's to Reload a Prepaid Card that you have. I have no Prepaid Cards, so I had to go on their Website and request a Refund because Wallgreens couldn't give me one. That was back on the 2nd. I still haven't heard from them yet, but it's just Monday and this happened over the weekend, but this doesn't end here.

Cue Yesterday and the we go to Walmart to the Checkout and find out we couldn't pay for our food. We still only had 73 Cents on the damn Card. I called up CS and finally got an Operator and it turns out I wasn't Secluded to get anything this month. I freaked because me, My Hubby, and Uncle are on it. It's how we eat every month.

Cue today and this morning I go to the Food Stamp Office and find out that they sent me a Letter in March about going Online to Reapply for them. Every 6 months to a year you have to let them know of any changes. I never got the damn letter. So I fill it out over there and give it to the lady, but you think I would get Emergency Food Stamps since I've never been late on it EVER and that I've always updated them about Changes and stuff? Nope. They tell us about Gods Food Box and other places.

So I'm over here sitting and now it's a toss up between not getting the Kia Fixed, the Car that we drive around places or me waiting till my PC comes in and sending it back. I've been trying to get a PC since last year. Now everything is up in the air and I'm scared shitless over here wondering just what to do. Everything will hopefully work out in the end, but damnit, after so long of wanting a New PC and finally getting it, all this happens. I can't exactly Cancel it either since I Ordered it on the 2nd from Tiger Direct and it was a Bare Bones Kit. Everything Shipped Separately because of that. Even if it was kit, the Parts still Ship Separately as if you bought them that way. Don't ask me why, ask Tiger Direct why they do this when you Order Bare Bone Kits from them.

All in all these past few days have been sheer hell and I'm just looking for that light at the end of the tunnel. I've noticed that people on Steam have Plnged/Ploped me, but now they know why I haven't been around. I just got back down South to my Relatives over here to eat and have food, but now I worry about my Husband and Uncle, my uncle that has raised me since I was a baby. And my Husband that has also helped taken care of me. I have Medical Problems, I Game to have fun and to get away from life, I Give Away Games on here to people to make them smile and make them happy. I do my best I can for people with what little I have, so why do Bad Things always happen to Good People? I'll get through this somehow, but I just had to let it all out and Vent because life is not fair at all. *hugs to you all*

Edit: Here's some free Keys to for you all that I was gathering up. At least that will make me feel a bit better.

Master Reboot: EWFVX-33TAL-LPJF2 (Steam)

Master Reboot: OPLVK-KMRXO-O2G9Q-AQHO7-U7MJB (Desura)

Master Reboot: OPKPV-7UZSZ-81G7O-7OB4R-56V11 (Desura)

Vigil: Blood Bitterness: 02XIE-LJV7H-D5NC9 (Steam)

Huntsman: The Orphanage PIBEG-LVXHW-MR0YF (Steam)

Jibs Arcade: FOS93-SJQ5J-9N7UT-W80IH-4QCHO (Desura)

Hope these help out a few of you all.
Post edited May 05, 2014 by alloy627
all i can say is that im sorry for you but youve been through tought shit before so you will get through this episode aswell :)
Aww, I'm sorry :( I hope all of this gets straightened out soon!

EDIT: Here, go watch this video -- I hope it will make you smile the way it always does for me :)
Post edited May 05, 2014 by genkicolleen
That is quite a mess sorry to hear that ,not sure why decent people tend to get the short end of the stick these days and companies these days just make it worse with some of their return policies and in no time you find yourself in a situation like that.

I truly hope it works out in the end and you guys find your way through it and get your computer set up and your car up and running and the food situation back on track and find some relief.

Take care and i hope tomorrow is a better day

On another note i redeemed huntsman, thank you for your generosity!
Thanks for Mater Reboot!
you don't have to offer key just to let other say something (not taken anything yes i saw the unedit post). all i can say just take patient try and you will came out as stronger person
genkicolleen: Aww, I'm sorry :( I hope all of this gets straightened out soon!

EDIT: Here, go watch this video -- I hope it will make you smile the way it always does for me :)
i love that one, my fave online radio got it as sweep
thats a crapshack indeed. my mate is currently in a similar situation (after having his leg smashed, then repaired, then crumbling in what his surgeins consider to be a world first), his finances are of a similar ilk and if it were not for myself and others around him, he would have dine somethign drastic by now.
I've similar direct experience myself. All i can say is... you know those crutches / walking stick / whatever "tools" they give you to improve your life?
Just remember they are only really there for the bum of the git that gets in your way! ;)
high rated
Aveweto, Your right to. From talking to you on Steam, from what you said to me, I'll take your words to heart to. I can't thank you enough. Also, I swear I'm going to get you back for that Gift even if it's the last thing I ever do! XDD

Genki, Thank you as well. I'm glad you got some of the games and you made me laugh so hard with that Vid. I had Stuffed Eggplant tonight for dinner over here down South at Stephens House and I also had a few Glasses of Wine to. It might have been the cheap stuff, but it was enough to send me into tear of laughter. XD

Darthprymus, Thank you to for your kind words and yeah, like I said, it's funny why bad things happen to good people. I hope everything does get better for my Family and I'm also glad you got a Game to. :)

Misteryo. Your welcome. XD If I can make a person smile despite the hell I've gone through, then it's not so bad at all. That's one of the things I live for. :)

Sinugie, As I said, I didn't Offer Keys just to say something or get people to talk. I did it to make myself feel happier and others to. :) It's just the way I am and the way I always be. Even if I was to die tomorrow, i would still give away Games because it makes people happy. I will try not to freak out and take it day by day and i know in the end, I'll be stronger indeed.

Sachys, I am truly very sorry about your friend. Give him lots of love for me man. I know a bit about Leg Pain myself having gone through Tron Meniscus Surgery on both my Knees. I can't imagine my Leg go through what his did. It was bad enough with my own knee problems, but his? My heart truly goes out to him. Please give him love for me to. As for the latter, LOL I'll remember that next time I have to put on my Knee Braces! XDDD

Theslitherydeee, Thank you to for the Games. That really made me smile to and made my day as well. I truly appreciate that truly.

To everyone here, thank you all. No matter what you all believe in, no matter what your Race, Religion, no matter if your Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Christian, Buddhist, Atheist, ETC., I leave you all with a song. :) *hugs to you all*
Post edited May 06, 2014 by alloy627
alloy627: why do Bad Things always happen to Good People?
Bad things happen. As the man said, "Deserve's got nothing to do with it." Ain't never gonna be a world where we don't fall down. But as long as we watch out for each other, we can make the good things happen too, and hopefully keep picking one another up. I'm not gonna say it all balances out in the end, not always, but the important thing is the hope - the hope we express when we help other people, when we say "I'm gonna make this world a little better no matter what the world does to me." For all your troubles, it sounds to me like you still haven't lost your hope.

Thanks for Master Reboot - I appreciate you doing me a kindness on this day.
alloy627: Aveweto, Your right to. From talking to you on Steam, from what you said to me, I'll take your words to heart to. I can't thank you enough. Also, I swear I'm going to get you back for that Gift even if it's the last thing I ever do! XDD
well steam chat is faster than posting here + not everyone sees what i write, well unless you copy/paste it somewhere public and for the gift, well as i told you last night already you wanna get back at me for it, youre welcome to try but ure in it for the long run :P
alloy627: I'll remember that next time I have to put on my Knee Braces! XDDD
Have to wear them myself actually
high rated
Azilut, thank you soooo much. From your PM, it meant the world to me with your kindness. Even if you couldn't help me out, your words and offer was enough. It touched me in more ways than you could ever have thought of. I'm truly glad I added you on Steam now and made another great friend on here as well. *huggles* It's people like you that make this sworld better and make this place grand. Sure, there is many of them, but finding them and a place like this is a true treasure indeed. :)

Aveweto, I swear I'm going to get you back for this if it's the last thing I do! LOL You all need dto seriously +Rep the hell out of that guy! He gifted me Shadowrun Returns the Deluxe Edition of the Game! XDDD I tried to do it to him when it was back on Sale a bit ago, but he told me not to worry about it! Then he goes and pulls that on me! Seriously everyone, this guy is a true card! XD I personally followed the Kickstarter for that Game and I played the Table Top RPG back when I was younger and I also read the Comics people made of it. Then this sweet soul Gifted me the very same Game I tried to beg him to let me gift him! XDD It all started back in the Nasty Giveaway that Wpegg just had, the last one he did! He was going for that game and didn't get it. Then the damn thing went on Sale and i tried to get it for him again! Then he pulls all this! Seriously guys, he is another one of the best people on here I have ever met!

Sachys, I had no ideal you had to wear them yourself. I hate wearing them sometimes back my Knee ones, I sometimes make them to tight and when I go to remove them, I have rashes from them. During the Winter Months I have to wear them constantly because I have Osteoarthritis. It's one of the reasons why I had to have Surgery on both my Knees because of Torn Meniscus, so I know your pain. I don't know if you had to have what I did, but I had the other Torn Meniscus Surgery last year on my Right Knee. I had the left one done in March of 08. *hugs*

To everyone here, my luck has turned around a bit. By my Family down over here buying a Temporary Paypal Master Card and Loading up $20 on it, they were able to use the Vanilla Reload Pin on it and get the Money onto it! It actually worked like they planned and now I can bring it with me to my Uncles this Thursday Night! So they got food for awhile now and Stephen even went out today and bought almost $100 of food for me to take back with me to! From Gifts on here from people to people around me, I am actually crying right now because of the love! Food Stamps I'm still waiting on that one letter in the Mail from them, but it doesn't seem so bad now. We got enough Food now for a week or 2, but after that I'm not worried anymore because I know things will keep turning around. The outpouring of love I have received from everywhere, on Steam, on GOG, over here where I'm at, it just amazes me sometimes that things can turn completely around so fast.

I thought it would take forever for things to turn around. I'm still worried about Food Stamps, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't seem to bad right now. The wait might be hard, but I know that with you all with me, my Husband, and my Uncle, we'll all make it through okay. *hugs to you all* I leave you all with another song to because truly I have realized that these things truly do take time.
What wonderful news! I'm sooo happy to read that things are looking up ^__^
Pick your poison: or [url=]Shout.

Hope things will get better for you!