Navagon: RPS did this
feature on dirt cheap IPS monitors. I'd certainly be considering one of those if I needed a new one.
Those are the Korean ones, right? Yeah, they'll be legitimately state-side and Europe in a year or two. For now, know you're getting a stripped down monitor and the warranty is almost useless. People have had some great luck and they're fucking huge for half the price, so it might be worth the gamble, don't gamble on it if you can't replace it.
Also, I've seen a side-by-side with a Dell 30 inch, the one they compared was really, really good, but the Dell still outperformed it. Enough to pay an extra 400-600 USD? Probably not for most people, but if you notice teeny-tiny details, it could be an issue for you.
haydenaurion: Yeah, I guess that's an option too if it doesn't work in fullscreen mode, though all the crap in the background is kind of distracting. I tried that with Tomb Raider recently, but this monitor is just too small. (17 inch widescreen 16:10)
There's lots of programs that will hide everything on your desktop with a mere double click (even wallpaper if you want) and give you a nice, solid, background color on which to play your game:)