sheepdragon: If you like mindfuck, big robots, explosions, and having no general idea of what the hell is going on most of the time, I recommend Neon Genesis Evangelion. Preferably with the End of Evangelion ending.
For more funny stuff, there's Magic Shopping Arcade Abenobashi and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
ovoon: Lol my friend loves Evangelion but told me to avoid because it screws with your brain. If my friend thought that something was screwed up, than I'll pass, because there can be dudes eating naked children in an anime and he wont care. Ok maybe that, but most of the time...
Also, I hate vampires, wherewolves and wizards. I think it's cliche, boring and a bit too dark
for me.
Well, there's only psychological aspects of mindfuck. There are some gory parts, but no eating of children or murdering of puppies.
Magic Shopping Arcade Abenobashi doesn't really contain wizards, in the traditional sense. In a way, it's more satirical, and incredibly hilarious in it's occasional absurdity. The setting changes constantly, as the main protagonists are being shifted through various versions of the same place; each with their particular theme and rules.
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, in short, is about a group of people trying to control and maintain the sanity of a person who happens to be God on a sub-conscious level.
lukaszthegreat: Nah. As I loathe Eve i must say don't watch it EVER!!! but i guess you should make up your own mind :) :)
I attached a pic which might help you with choosing stuff. there are lots of anime there but at least it is some kind of guide.
man. how i hate shinji :)
Shinji is indecisive, and rather whiny; but that's something I don't find to be so weird considering the change from his casual way of life, to being pushed into being an Eva pilot. Of course, that doesn't really make him more bearable, and can see why he is annoying. The series seems to be hit or miss, though.
The characters all have intentional flaws, which may limit how likable one might find them; but that psychological aspect is one of the things I like. The Eva pilots and some of those around them, are all on the verge of insanity or a step beyond. And there's a penguin. I have no idea why, and it doesn't seem to do anything, but there's a penguin.