gamefreak1972: Actually, while I wouldn't use the word "hiding" - this is exactly true. Women have been about a third of gamers...not recently, not the past few years...but for the past few DECADES - since the 1970s when it all started. Its only a big deal because for some reason someone decided to pay attention and came up with numbers they weren't expecting - and that someone happened to have a media tie.
For those of us who have been paying attention, this is not news. In fact, this is most decidedly "olds" :p And that 50% number probably does come from the "casuals" who play Farmville or Angry Birds or Words with Friends exclusively. So, 30-40% you could call a "real" gamer, and 10-20% "casual" out of the women demographic. Does that make any insecure people here feel better, knowing that the numbers they didn't know about previously haven't changed much over the years?
Profanity: Oh hey, I accidentally hit the feminism button.
Anyway, this just circles back to the unspecificness of the article. There's so much conjecture in this thread, including mine which I somehow tried to base on logic. All the questions could be easily answered if they just say how many play what games and on what devices, it's that simple, then we'd know for sure what's really up. Now you write all these numbers again, as many other people, and I'm supposed to believe these ones?
1) Obviously the women in your example know what's up. Everyone knows that there are women who are just as much as gamers as men. Both this answer and question mean nothing. I can create an opposite example, that would mean nothing either.
2) Verbal online abuse is expected because loads of gamers are immature as fuck. You're not gonna speed up their maturity, so the only thing women can do on this point is realize that just as not all women are casuals - not all gamer dudes are dicks or white knights. Especially now that gaming is a cool thing to do. And the current most popular "feminism" (yeah, the non quotation mark feminism is long gone from the mainstream society) like to concern itself with games, it wants and sometimes does censor creative process. People can not like stuff, they can say why they're against it, but when they start fucking with how the game is being made with the threat of a PR tsunami of bandwagoning shitholes - then I have problem. I have nothing against real feminism where women are actually being opressed (middle east would be an example), I have something against the ones that think equality means dominance on their part.
3) Of course you'd do something about it, but what's the point of this question? Are you trying to pull some sort of weird move where if they think this is bad they should suddenly agree with you on other points or they're bad people? All kinds of people get nasty remarks, not only women.
EDIT: my gremmer is brkn
There's one major difference. I'm not trying to sell products, or marketing. I've been in, and watching, gaming since it started. I've watched the trends, and been personally involved. I was there listening to women in the pc lab, complaining about how they has to come up with fake names online because as soon as guys found out that they were NOT guys - it was like a feeding frenzy. I saw the complaints on women-run chat boards in the 90s. I listened to the ranting of friends who just wanted to be THEMSELVES. I still hear complaints frequently on WoW. This is a topic I have been interested in, and have followed, for many, many years. I suppose if you don't want to believe it though *shrugs* ok.
For the first question, it was only a question to ask people to define in their own minds "what is a gamer"? "What is the difference between hardcore and casual?"
For the second question - I'm not sure you understood my point. Nobody expects everyone to be "a white knight" or an "immature fuck", regardless of gender. And I disagree wholeheartedly with your assessment of "feminism". Perhaps Lithuania is further along than most counties, I don't know. But perhaps you think feminism is no longer needed anywhere outside the middle east? That's another point I would disagree with. Oppression comes in many forms. No, women in the states won't be stoned to death by relatives for an accusation of dishonoring the family...but if you think that's all there is to it, you don't understand feminism or why its still needed. And, the problem that *some* people have with *some* games is that the way women are overwhelmingly portrayed is that they are stupid weaklings who need to be rescued. Honestly, aren't people TIRED of this crap yet? We have kick ass technology, and yet we have to make our female characters as boring as possible? WHY??? You'd think, as gamers, that we would WANT deeper characters, a meaningful story...I'm not saying games need a novel of backstory, but come on!
My point to #3 being that its BECAUSE of feminism that this scenario is no longer as common as it once was. Social standards and constructs CHANGE. You think that change came easily? Yes, people get nasty remarks - but when was the last time people implied that *you* were going to be raped for what you are just for walking down a street? Or that you should be ashamed to be seen in public for your gender? People here damn feminism, but its due to feminism your mother/sister/gf doesn't have to hide in a house all damn day.
Momo1991: Hey guys and gals, older female here and mother to a gamer guy in his 20's - and well I'm not a hard-core gamer chick but let's put that aside for a second. I'm a human being as are all of you. Stereotyping, categorizing, pigeon-holing or whatever label the media or big business uses does NOT take away our basic humanity. Right?
We all feel real feelings, we all long to connect, we all love to play and recreate in many forms. We enjoy pleasure whether that comes from food, drink, entertainment or other human beings. Right?
So why are you having this argument? Who the eff really cares whether more males love FPS and females love casual puzzle games except those with a reason to gain our hard earned cash? Right?
Ultimately I don't give a crap that games use female genres that might not reflect the full range of being female. IT IS A GAME...srsly. Those that take exception need to go live in countries where women do NOT have any semblance of freedom and take their swords and words into action helping real, live women instead of tilting at windmills in the gaming industry.
But that being said, I have actually encountered misogyny and been paid less, been treated as less, been promoted less as a result of being female through-out my work career. So while I recognize that my personal battles are real and valid, I also recognize that many, many women have it far worse than I do. Gah, my friend in the middle-east - I don't even like to think of the daily oppression she faces - and oh my dear lord, she faces it cheerfully even as she tries to change it and daily risks her life to do the work she feels she was called to do as a human being...
When, when, when are we going to let go of our genetic conditioning that kept us alive millennium ago with tribal affiliation and evolve into a global community of human beings that accept that EVERY single "person" has value to our community?
When are we going to unstop our ears and simply listen to another human being's point without judgment, without recrimination, without a filter of country, color, sex?
I, as a mother, as a female, as a human being ask each of you goglodytes to stop for a minute each time someone posts a comment and ask yourself how you'd respond if you personally had said that comment - take it to heart, see it from that viewpoint, hear it's message and then and only then, respond. Imagine the person posting was you - how would you like to be responded to?
We're each of us human beings at the end of this line -it may be an ephemeral connection but it is very effing real and each of us is very real... consider that when you post, consider that when you go to work and have to dictate to others, consider that when you eat a meal in a restaurant with someone serving you, consider that when you drive your car on the road, consider's you you are treating and acting towards...human, fellow human. All other considerations fall aside in that equation....
soapbox free (so sayeth the Momo ;-p)
Sorry for 3 posts in a row, but I gotta say it:
+1, <3 you Momo! You said it way better :)