Wraith: Also, you are criticizing leaps of logic in a game that has a virus mutating people into zombies and other monsters?
No, there's more basic stuff there. Hilarious at some points.Take a weekend to read this guy's LP of RE 0-4 and CV
http://lparchive.org/author/The%20Dark%20Id. At least the RE3 one which includes RE2 to show plot connections.
I wish, someone made the same thing about the Star Ocean on the PS3. Just to show how much of an idiot the main character is. At some point his and only his stupidity becomes so powerful that it produces extra two hours of repetitive gameplay, and then he's saved by an happy coincidence, and then he spends the next few hours whining. Is there any f-ing JRPG that doesn't have to go through "You're not a kid now! Now buzz off and fetch me a quest item"?