Gibush: So you're continuing with the same book? Did you start it during NaNoWriMo or was it based on a partly finished novel?
Could you mention what the premise is? I remember you saying ti was like a slasher movie.
Unlikely that I'll continue with the same book, I didn't get very far into it before it became clear that it wasn't going to work without a lot more time and planning than I had.
I definitely can mention the premise and if anybody wants it they can just have it, I think it's an interesting idea but at the end of the day it just wasn't speaking to me. If anybody does take it though, I'd like to be kept apprised of the situation, because there's quite a bit of room for interpretation.
The basic premise was that a group of people are invited to an island by a mysterious host and they start disappearing one by one. I had planned to give them all character flaws in line with the seven deadly sins, not so literal as the movie Seven, but as a way of nudging them along.
I still think the basic idea would be good for a book, but it was an absolute nightmare in terms of planning it out, far more so than I was expecting. And ultimately, I just wasn't seeing the story.
In the next few days I'll probably start researching my next attempt and probably start writing as soon as the research allows. And just do so as I have time over the next year, sort of seems a shame to do too much writing while abroad.