Aliasalpha: "PIO Stepdown killed my mother!"
Weclock: I think I will make a video blog.
Fully clothed or gas mask only?
Wearing my shirt, naturally.
El_Caz: Question regarding this: Sometimes I play my Steam games offline simply because it nags me that it keeps updating all the time. If I set it to work offline and restart and then one day they decide to close my account like it happened to Weclock, would I still have access to my games with the Steam App being offline? I fgure Steam not contacting the internet for games does not mean the app is completely offline and they could STILL disable your stuff, but if the point of offline mode is so you can use it without being connected to the internet, then they'd have no way of stopping you from playing with what you already own.
maybe, their offline mode doesn't really work, it still connects if you're just telling it to go offline, as opposed to actually blocking the ports or actually being offline.
that sounds confusing so I'll elaborate
steam allows you to go "offline" while you're connected to the internet, but this mode doesn't really take you offline, as it still talks to their servers. :(
the only way to truly go offline is to unplug the ethernet cord or block all the goddamn ports.