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cw8: I'm way past the minimum voting age and I can't and never voted before. My zone has no opposition competition at all.
Even if the opposition wins, our Emperor says he will activate the military, which is us since all males have to go through 2 1/2 years(2 years now) of military service.
Crassmaster: So...all of this crap going on in your country, and a game is what you complain about?
Dude...MOVE. :)

Yeah, kinda makes me wonder why I'm still living there in the first place. Only reason that comes to mind is that it's hard to say goodbye to your friends =/
Also I have come to realise the head honchos over here probably watch too much fox news or something...
Post edited August 19, 2010 by sink257
*insert Price is Right losing horn here*
Although apparently GTA Lost & Damned got away scot-free there (complete with *ahem* the full frontal male nudity. Apparently.) so I would imagine there may be a case of double standards going on. Although I'd imagine it would be fairly easy to fix up a censored version (ring up EMI, ask them to use 50 album covers from the period, and replace "Magazine" with "Album Cover" in the prompt. Bob's uncle, and all that).
Post edited August 19, 2010 by DelusionsBeta
sink257: Yeah, kinda makes me wonder why I'm still living there in the first place. Only reason that comes to mind is that it's hard to say goodbye to your friends =/
Also I have come to realise the head honchos over here probably watch too much fox news or something...

Hey what's up bro! Glad to see another GAXer! Yeah the local news are hilarious. It's like the newscasters are constantly being held at gunpoint while speaking.
Well, I guess this is it. Cya in jail, cw8!
Post edited August 19, 2010 by lowyhong
cw8: They banned HL2(violence), and Mass Effect(lesbian scenes) before only to lift the ban later. I'll be damned if I get the Steam version now and then boxed set later on. Decisions, decisions...

Looks like they just want to be the first to finish these games in Singapure... ;)
The funny thing about this rampant banning of games here is that it's also somewhat random. During the period when GTA:SA was banned - which also resulted in a huge ruckus caused by many local netizens - I walked into a game shop and the first game I spotted on the shelf was Manhunt.
And here's the best part of this story: a boy no older than 12 was with his mom, and in his hands was, amongst a few other games, a copy of Manhunt. I didn't know whether to grimace or facepalm, but anyhow I dissuaded the mother (who was horrified when I told her what the game was about).
lowyhong: but anyhow I dissuaded the mother (who was horrified when I told her what the game was about).

She had to be told what the game was about, wut?
How could a game called "Manhunt", with a cover like this possibly contain ANYTHING unsuitable for a child? I mean the name and box art is TOTALLY INNOCENT!
The stupid. It burns.
lowyhong: And here's the best part of this story: a boy no older than 12 was with his mom, and in his hands was, amongst a few other games, a copy of Manhunt. I didn't know whether to grimace or facepalm, but anyhow I dissuaded the mother (who was horrified when I told her what the game was about).

This happened to me once. Two parents were shopping for a game for their 14 or something son, and they were having a real problem at picking the right game. Of course, being the friendly sort, I stepped in and offered my *ahem* expertise. From the pack of games they picked up to choose from, exactly zero were anywhere near the kind they wanted to give to their kid for a birthday present. Of course, from the expression they gave me when I told them what each game was about, I could tell they had no clue what they were getting themself into (one of them was kingpin, I think it was bundled with Sin). I am proud to say that I was able to persuade them to buy The Course of MI. I can still remember the discussion we had:
Him: "Does this game have any fighting in it?"
Me: "It has insult sword fighting!"
Him: "What do you mean?"
Me: *told him "every enemy I've met" insult and riposte, they both understood english*
Him: "That's great! Can't wait to see it for myself."
I think I made a few more MI fans that day =)
lowyhong: but anyhow I dissuaded the mother (who was horrified when I told her what the game was about).
alexisgondor: She had to be told what the game was about, wut?
How could a game called "Manhunt", with a cover like this possibly contain ANYTHING unsuitable for a child? I mean the name and box art is TOTALLY INNOCENT!
The stupid. It burns.

Depends. If the mother thinks the kid is "mature" and lets them watch slasher flicks, that doesn't look too bad. Until you read up a bit more and realize that it is gore-porn/smut.
Crassmaster: So...all of this crap going on in your country, and a game is what you complain about?
Dude...MOVE. :)

Of course, what do you expect me to do? I've done my military service but still serving reservist every year. I could bring a rifle to the city if I wanted to, but the last guy who tried got 9 years because his GF left him. The only way I can get back at them is through voting and lots and lots of angry postings on the Internet directed at the government. I'm denied voting. So it's always hello games, since the 80s.
I don't wanna migrate, family and friends.
sink257: Also I have come to realise the head honchos over here probably watch too much fox news or something...

Haha, welcome! Some people in GAX is pissing me off to no end. I like posting here.
Yeah, they watch shitty FOX. Then they go eat their thousand dollar Mee Siam Mai Hum for dinner.
lowyhong: Well, I guess this is it. Cya in jail, cw8!

I'll buying lottery for the first 4 digits of my prisoner plate number.
Anyways, they unbanned Mafia 2 already. It's coming to our shores. Pretty lucky I got the news before I got the game on Steam.
Post edited August 19, 2010 by cw8
cw8: Anyways, they unbanned Mafia 2 already. It's coming to our shores.

So was the game censored, or did they just change their minds?
Either way it's a good outcome though. :)