StingingVelvet: You have to sort of translate for Randy, he tends to ramble and not really make himself clear. What he is saying is that the game is not really a review score game, it's going to be an event and important for what it is and be enjoyed for what it is, not be a critical darling. Which I think is entirely accurate.
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but this is how I translate what you just said:
Duke Nukem forever is going to be a mediocre or maybe even bad game that's going to sell mostly based on hype and the dubious value of buying a game that's been in development longer then any other game (?)
I don't think any significant number of reviewers purposely review low.... in fact quite the opposite, to rate less then a 7 a game pretty much has to burn your house down and kick your pet dog.
If Duke is a worthwhile game, it will get good reviews from MOST reviewers. if it's not a good game, it will get 7's. What else do I (the prospective customer) care about other then how good it is? Why would I drop $50 just for the 'event' of buying a game the developer seems to flat out be saying is not really that great?
I don't have very high hopes for Duke at this point. I want to be wrong, and I want it to be amazing.... but I don't expect it to be.