amok: This might be a silly question (I am very non-technical), but my previous laptop did the same, shutting down and restarting windows, it turned out that the fan was blocked so it kept overheating and when it reached a certain temperature it restarted. Are your core temperatures OK?
I think my temps and fans are ok, check my stats in my first post. I have the PC backed off from the wall and while I do have a shelf above the top case fan it should still be clear enough.
adambiser: As others have mentioned, it could be many things.
Were you doing anything when it restarted? Anything graphics intensive?
How long have you had this computer?
Have you dusted it out lately?
Have you added any hardware to it recently?
You might check the Event Viewer to see if anything happens before the restart that looks suspicious.
I was posting on the GOG forums when it restarted, just before I clicked to confirm a post.
I've barely had the PC a week.
Haven't had it long enough to need to dust it. I checked inside and the only thing I found that might be causing this is there was a black cord touching one of the unused connector pins on the motherboard.
The only thing I added were my old Dell speakers which connect via audio cable and USB, Windows did give me a warning about a power surge to the USB 3.0 port in the back that the speakers were connected to, but the next time I started up the PC the warning was gone and never came back so I figured it was a Windows fluke.