It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

Great idea! I would be there.
Barefoot_Monkey: Then again, most of what one would want from an API is available through regular web request.
Yes, you can certainly 'hack your way around' most things on GoG, but from a 'customer friendly' point of view there's plenty to gain from an API. First and most important, I'd like to mention that GreaseMonkey can cause issues on Windows 7, if you're not running as administrator (which you really shouldn't, after all, you wouldn't run as root on Linux for every day tasks either ;)). Now as for how an API could benefit, I'm just going to mention a very few points:
*Log-in with your GoG ID (perfect validation and not having to create yet another account)
*Get somebody's wishlist/shelf (if not disabled in privacy options) without synchronisation on your server
*Gift a game (no code/email fuzz)
*Send a GoG PM (again unless disabled)
*Save poor GoG some traffic (an API call should be far more lightweight than a full fledged page request)
Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Is it out yet?
Yay! Progress! I have pretty much all of the functionality working. It took me a bit longer than originally planned because I had to learn the ins and outs of the wiki software (and because I spent the weekend at a friend's house instead of working on it) but now all that's left is to tidy it up so that it's usable for people who aren't the developer and then hand it over to be put on the live server. But first: sleep! I feel confidant that I'll have it finished tomorrow.

It works a bit differently now than when I made the first post. The big thing is that it's integrated into gogwiki - every user gets a special page where you can see their games (list or shelf view) and their wishlist. The other thing is that it can now update your game list and wishlist in the background from anywhere in one step - there is no longer any need to manually navigate to your shelf or wishlist page.

Sorry for keeping you waiting. Hopefully it will be worth it.
Barefoot_Monkey: STUFF
Quit bogarting the awesome.
Barefoot_Monkey: integrated into gogwiki
Do you mind if I worship you?
I needed something real quick for GOGWiki, so I created this script for Google Chrome.

1. Go to your GOG Shelf
2. Open the Chrome Developer Tools, then select the "Console" tab
3. Copy and paste the code below
4. Copy and paste the resulting HTML into your GOGWiki user page (or anything HTML-based, for that matter)

Output looks like this: [url=][/url]


(it probably wouldn't paste correctly on the forums)
TheJoe: The haiku I wrote
Is again relevant now
My gratitude, ape
Monkeys, they have tails
Apes have a tail deficit
Shoulder bones diverge
Slash: I needed something real quick for GOGWiki, so I created this script for Google Chrome.

1. Go to your GOG Shelf
2. Open the Chrome Developer Tools, then select the "Console" tab
3. Copy and paste the code below
4. Copy and paste the resulting HTML into your GOGWiki user page (or anything HTML-based, for that matter)

Output looks like this: [url=][/url]


(it probably wouldn't paste correctly on the forums)
Very nice, I have formatted the script a bit to use the WIKI Syntax and the result is here:

Thank you Slash for this script, which works nice until barefoot is done with the other function :)