Nnexxus: It looks awesome, I want it ! :-)
For the automated shelf update thingy, would a gift code work for your tests ? If so, I bet some people around here would be ready to gift you games for your tests (and I'm among them, you've been a valuable member of the GOG commmunity)
That's very kind of you to offer. You really don't have to, but you want to then I'd gladly accept.
Miaghstir: I seriously doubt an API will appear, the information for this seems (from the opening post, I don't have inside information) to be fetched through Javascript (the userscript) when you visit your own shelf, and then sent to wherever the public profile can see it.
That's pretty much spot on. Right now it scrapes the current page if you happen to be in your shelf, but once it's basically up and running I'll if I can grab shelf data from anywhere on GOG using XmlHttpRequest.
Miaghstir: I'll do what I can to convert the userscript to a Safari plugin when you feel it's ready enough.
That would be a big help. Thank you.
Fujek: Sorry, I should have expressed myself properly.
I know that he's intending to interface with the browser through GreaseMonkey (and thus JavaScript), but I was trying to point out that his project is a perfect showcase example for how beneficial third party applications could be to the GoG community and how they would benefit from an API.
You're right on all counts. There is no API at the moment, and it would be very nice if there was one. Then again, most of what one would want from an API is available through regular web request. The only big thing that's missing is file integrity hashes (md5sums or whatever) for the setup files.
Tulivu: No! I'm sorry, ok. :'(
Thankfully that was just an April Fool's joke, and not real like your pegadolphicorn. You looked awesome riding that BTW