Note: In case you missed it, I added another section to my previous post.
Licurg: I should've explained what i wanted to show with the wikipedia article: the guy lost his job because of his claims. Think about it, all researchers make wrong claims, waste public and private money, have tests that fail, or are inconclussive(sorry , i don't know how to spell), or are just made without respecting basic research ethics... But they don't lose their jobs because of it. Why did this guy lose his job, when other scientists with unclaimed or wrong theories don't?
Erm ... no? Have you ever heard of "publish or perish"? A scientist who doesn't deliver is in severe danger of losing his job. Most scientists have very short contracts (even Pusztai had one-year contracts according to the Wikipedia article), and if you don't deliver within this time, you are in grave danger of being replaced. It differs a bit between areas of research, but especially in the current "big" research areas, the pressure can be murderous. This is actually a threat to scientific integrity, as some scientists _do_ succumb to the pressure and fake results. I'm sorry, but if you believe that a scientist who doesn't get his contract renewed is evidence for a conspiracy and a cover-up by the government, then I would question your actual experience with research.
Licurg: My point is that it's a major cover-up, done by corporations and governments. That's why it's not peer-reviewed, because nobody wants it to be known. Of course, i'm just paranoid, because we all know governments never lie, or manipulate the facts...
Believing that governments never lie would be gullible.
Believing that there is governmental conspiracy without conclusive evidence would be paranoid.
So far, the evidence you have presented is _very_ inconclusive, and the way of reasoning you present is _exactly_ that of conspiracy theorists. With that way of reasoning, you could prove any belief you want, be it a governmental conspiracy about genetically mutated food, or be it the existence of the flying spaghetti monster.
If a study with obvious methodical problems (some of which even Pusztai doesn't deny) is not published, then that is most likely a sign of a bad study (which several peer-reviewers acknowledged), and not of a gigantic secret governmental cover-up to appease some evil industry giants. Do you have any idea how many studies do not get published each year? There are tens of thousands of studies which never got published because they simply weren't good enough, because it's _difficult_ to do research correctly and it's difficult to do it well enough to get it published. Do you think that all these studies have fallen victims to conspiracies and governmental cover-ups?