Fifeldor: My hair's brown, nothing interesting about it. What I do find interesting however, is that my beard is blond and auburn.
Moreover, from my experience, I consider auburn-haired women unbelievably sexy. Even though my girlfriend's a brunette, some girl I fell in love with a few years back (but she didn't, tough story, duh) had this awesomely haunting auburn-blond head which gave me goosebumps whenever I saw her.
In the end I wrote a 300 page book for her (no kidding), sent it to her by post, and never learned a thing about her again. Served me right I suppose.
I'm brown-haired green eyed irish but I can't let my facial hair grow because it has patches of red that make it look uneven and patchy.
My little brother is reddish headed and a total ladies man, so there is always hope, OP. He looked weird with it short so he grew it out pretty long and looks closer to Heath Ledger except less dead.