lugum: unless they have 100% compability i wouldnt say its completely obsolete.
TheJoe: I completed it late last year using it. Crashed on
very rare occasions. Perfect otherwise.
You will never get 100% compatibility. The maximum ScummVM will ever go to on a game is 98%. Same goes for Residual.
Since it's a portable rewrite of the GrimE engine, it is far more sustainable than a launcher that automatically adds compatibility options for you. It is a modernised, constantly developed code base.
Even bgbennyboy himself will tell you the launcher is pointless now in the face of Residual.
well i can only speak for the monkey island launcher but that worked fine with me too, no crashing, finished it to the end.
i have tried the grim fandango launcher and played for 15 minutes without problems.
and there is still a big difference between 80 and 98% compability.
it seems like an admirable project, and i hope it becomes as big as scummvm and they add alot more games. but how long have they been at it and how many games have they now?