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Gazoinks: Welcome! I see you already know Arcanum. Might I interest you in King of Dragon Pass or The Longest Journey? ;)
Sorry, neither of them actually - I have firsthand to finally finish the Arcanum, you see - I discovered the function of the blind card very late and then hadn't time to finish. And now, after two computers later, I cannot run the installation on my Windows Vista 64-bit and so - alas - this is still an unfinished task which I eagerly want to bring to an end. But thanks for your offer.
anjohl: Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines is sorely needed here.

Fvb nva pa! JWMX
As far as I see actually, I own only a hardcopy of "Vampyre the maskerade - Redemption" in German only. I remember darkly the Bloodline, it crashed after about 10 - 20 minutes after starting, and I liked Redemption more than Bloodline because of the first part in old Prague.
Free is de feskfang un de Hörnemmer ree! (quote from Pidder Lüng)
Post edited January 27, 2013 by thogu61
anjohl: Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines is sorely needed here.
Yep, a glaring omission. Hope this situation will be rectified soon :)
Darling_Jimmy: Stay with us. Stay forever.
Argh! If you're quoting, do it properly :-p

"Another visitor! Stay a while. Stay forever!"
Darling_Jimmy: Stay with us. Stay forever.
Wishbone: Argh! If you're quoting, do it properly :-p

"Another visitor! Stay a while. Stay forever!"
You make it sound like Hotel California. Speaking of which, I'm holding my annual drive to raise funds for the capture and execution of Don Henley. Those of you who would like to make donations please feel free to do so through my normal channels. Thank You!
Post edited January 27, 2013 by tinyE
Darling_Jimmy: Stay with us. Stay forever.
Wishbone: Argh! If you're quoting, do it properly :-p

"Another visitor! Stay a while. Stay forever!"
Thank you both for making me blow 24 minutes watching someone else play a game. It was wonderful.

Destroy [them], my robots.
Welcome to GOG. It's a cool community full of friendly people. Hope you'll enjoy your stay.
thogu61: A big hello to all soul-gamers
This site is definitely a big discovery - I have found all games I am searching for years - because they don't run on my new computer- Hey - the search is over now.

From Gabriel Knight - sins of the fathers - over Vampyre the Masquerade Redemption to Syndicate and Arcanum and the M&M-Series. Now I may go to sleep in perfect peace, now that my search has come to a happy end!

I love this site.
prepare yourself because your wallet's gonna hurt

Also got to this side because I wanted to get Baldur's gate and I had just missed the promotion which was going on at the time =(
But then Christmas came and I still got the game :D

This is a really great site with great people (and it's even better if you're a lucky person though, because I haven't one a single giveaway yet :P). People giving away these many games really amazed me, to be honest. Thought people would be more stingy in general xD

thogu61: A big hello to all soul-gamers
This site is definitely a big discovery - I have found all games I am searching for years - because they don't run on my new computer- Hey - the search is over now.

From Gabriel Knight - sins of the fathers - over Vampyre the Masquerade Redemption to Syndicate and Arcanum and the M&M-Series. Now I may go to sleep in perfect peace, now that my search has come to a happy end!

I love this site.
XYCat: prepare yourself because your wallet's gonna hurt
This. But I have a good advice: wait till Christmas when the prices will drop. That way you could save lots of money :D (but it could be that games might get taken down, so there's a tiny risk, but I don't think that happens often...)
Post edited January 27, 2013 by Reever
thogu61: A big hello to all soul-gamers
This site is definitely a big discovery - I have found all games I am searching for years - because they don't run on my new computer- Hey - the search is over now.

From Gabriel Knight - sins of the fathers - over Vampyre the Masquerade Redemption to Syndicate and Arcanum and the M&M-Series. Now I may go to sleep in perfect peace, now that my search has come to a happy end!

I love this site.
XYCat: prepare yourself because your wallet's gonna hurt
AMEN...kind of.

I get for $100 in here what would cost me $500 anywhere else; anywhere else that I know of. More than that, so long as you check your specs the games are virtually guaranteed to work. I've lost track of the number of times I've forked over money somewhere else for a game that "should" run only to have it not run because of some stupid DRM or hardware conflict. Not here. Not yet.
XYCat: prepare yourself because your wallet's gonna hurt
tinyE: AMEN...kind of.

I get for $100 in here what would cost me $500 anywhere else; anywhere else that I know of. More than that, so long as you check your specs the games are virtually guaranteed to work. I've lost track of the number of times I've forked over money somewhere else for a game that "should" run only to have it not run because of some stupid DRM or hardware conflict. Not here. Not yet.
I do agree to this statement completely. What a pity I didn't find this place earlier - it would have saved me so many times really bad feelings and the one or other sleepless night too (honestly)! It's therefore, that I am nearly freaking out about this forum and this site. I'gonna tell this to all my gamer-friends. I've already put my like on Facebook for GOG. I'd never thought that this would be possible in any way and it's one of my biggest experiences I've ever made.
Welcome! This place rocks, but can be addictive.
Welcome to GOG.

My advise is to keep an eye out for the weekend deals.
Second bit of advice, lock your card up at weekends so that it is safe from the GOG machine.
011284mm: Welcome to GOG.

My advise is to keep an eye out for the weekend deals.
Second bit of advice, lock your card up at weekends so that it is safe from the GOG machine.
Thanks for the advice, but unfortunately - I like doint transactions over the weekend, because you have more time to overthink, what you are doing than during working days.
My advice for transactions on steam is this: don't do transactions on friday afternoon around 4:00 p.m. - I've already had some two or three times problems then. On all other times it worked fine however...
011284mm: Welcome to GOG.

My advise is to keep an eye out for the weekend deals.
Second bit of advice, lock your card up at weekends so that it is safe from the GOG machine.
thogu61: Thanks for the advice, but unfortunately - I like doint transactions over the weekend, because you have more time to overthink, what you are doing than during working days.
My advice for transactions on steam is this: don't do transactions on friday afternoon around 4:00 p.m. - I've already had some two or three times problems then. On all other times it worked fine however...
Well you sound like you have a clear head, so you should be okay. If you ever need advice, the community around here is really helpful and they seem to be really nice people.

The thing to remember is that GOG are games suppliers. So the idea is to have fun, both on and off-line here.

One of us, one of us!