thogu61: A big hello to all soul-gamers
This site is definitely a big discovery - I have found all games I am searching for years - because they don't run on my new computer- Hey - the search is over now.
From Gabriel Knight - sins of the fathers - over Vampyre the Masquerade Redemption to Syndicate and Arcanum and the M&M-Series. Now I may go to sleep in perfect peace, now that my search has come to a happy end!
I love this site.
Licurg: Welcome to GOG. Be sure to buy Sacrifice, it's one of the best games ever made, and one of the least-known as well. Might be your next great discovery ;)
Well, to be honest: I know Sacrifice, never was able to finish it, but I agree, it is a very interesting game and definitely worth being buyed again!
Titanium: The feeling of nostalgia can be rather overwhelming sometimes, eh? :)
Big red underlined YESSSSS!