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I have now been here 326 days and love the place, can't believe it has almost been a year now.

To enter the giveaway I would like a shot at Baldurs Gate 2

I have been after this game for years now, when it was initially released there was never a copy to be seen in any of the stores where I lived or I would have snapped it up. Love the origional and have played through it a good few times now. Lately been playing a lot of Icewind Dale 2. Baldurs Gate 2 is the 1 title out of all the Infinity Engine games I have never seen except for screenshots and other people playing it on Youtube.

I need to get this game soon
hmm, looks like I'm closing in to 1500... :o)
congratulations :)
the big 1k , onwards to 2 :)
Gah, i missed my 1000. I am now 1041 :( That is just sad, such a stupid number. Not even prime! Gratz to a nice number

I'd like IWD 2, because my retail version has really awful voiceover. :(

And thanks of course
Post edited September 16, 2012 by Bodkin
Happy 1000! Apparently, I'm 1301 days old in GOG, time sure flies!

Thanks for the giveaway! I'm curious about Balder's Gate... I've hear a lot of talk about this game, but I've yet to "jump the wagon" on this one... I'm still new to the RPG genre.
Congratulations on your 1000 days on GOG man!!!!

195 fantastic days on GOG in my case. ^^
Post edited September 20, 2012 by retro_gamer
Oh hey OP, you're 1 day older than me. :D

PD Not entering.
Not entering.

I've been here 635 days.
I've been here 281 days (nor even half of it in the forums...)... And it has been a blast! o/

the game... hmm..

Planescape: Torment !
'Cause i actually have none of this promo (i know, real shame..), I'm with my arm injured and would be a breeze to have something to spent some days/nights playing with only a mouse/touchpad... ;p
Post edited September 17, 2012 by Stooner
Thanks and +1 for the giveaway, DProject!

I would try my luck with Planescape: Torment.

Everyone speaks highly of this game and I want to see for myself if they're right or not... :)

EDIT: 178 happy days when I entered this contest. 179 today. ;)
Post edited September 18, 2012 by Thespian*
Did I win?
Even though I have a backlog, how can I resist a D&D game giveaway???
1468 Days at GOG, and just a week shy of my 4th year.

Got all of the D&D games though, just felt like having some fun :D
I've been here for 283 days :) Not entering.
I have been here 1354 days.

I would like Demon Stone, thanks.