hedwards: that tedious and generally boring sport.
adambiser: Surely you are referring to American football here. Such a dull sport. It ranks there with watching golf for me.
American football: Start. Stop. Start. Stop. Repeat until someone scores, because all the team has to do is make it to the other side. They take more time setting up for a play than actually playing.
Proper way to watch a football game on television:
- Find a good book, paint a wall, mow the lawn, or do something exciting.
- Tune in every-so-often until you find the final two minutes of the game. These 2 minutes will probably take 15 minutes to play. For a regular game, this will be about 1 1/2 minutes after the start. For the Super Bowl, tune in about 3 1/2 hours after the start.
- If the score is lopsided, you've saved yourself from watching a boring, uneven game. Pat yourself on the back and go back to doing something exciting.
- If the scores are close, the end of the game
might be worth watching.
Example, the Super Bowl this year wasn't worth watching for a neutral person just wanting to watch a good game.
Right, this year it wasn't particularly worth watching, but that happens in any sport. In fact I challenge you to find a sport where there isn't the odd boring game or match. The question is whether or not that's the status quo.
As far as football goes, yes there's a lot of stoppages at times, but there's also a lot of excitement at times. You know that something is going to happen on every play. And unlike soccer you know that at some point something is going to happen. None of that scoreless tie bullshit.
I do grant that I got a lot more interested in the sport once I got to know it. But, unlike soccer, football is actually fun to both watch and play. Soccer is pretty much only fun when it comes to actually playing. And quite frankly, Americans are too fat to play.
hedwards: I never implied that un-American was bad,
Telika: Yes, you implied that, within one country, people should stick with stuff-of-that-country, and discard stuff-"un"-from-that-country. (I like that "un-", it's slightly closer to "anti-" than "not").
As for the stupidity of the "points" argument, it's been adressed above. You can also spend hours on a chessboard before scoring a mate (OH NOES, BORING, NOITHING HAPPENS).
Chess isn't a sport. It's a competitive activity, but it isn't a sport by any reasonable definition. And what's more, the interest in the competition is independent of the pacing. Reading the list of moves in order is only marginally less interesting than actually watching the match in real time. Sure, you do lose out a bit on the tension, but particularly for timed matches, you gain a bit by being able to contemplate the possible moves.
Also, mate is winning the game, if you're going hours without anybody taking a piece, then there is nothing happening. Each piece does have an informal point score associated with it. Just because the score isn't relevant doesn't mean that there isn't any progress being made. In soccer it doesn't matter how many times you move the ball back and forth across the field, all that matters is how many times you manage to get it into the goal.
If you're gong to draw an analogy, chess has a lot more in common with quidditch than it does with other sports.
No, un- is closer to a- than to anti- or not. If you're going to argue semantics like that, the least you could do is know what you're talking about.