hansschmucker: While this is in my opinion a good decision, there are a few problems, most notably: what will happen after MSIE8?
Andy_Panthro: Ah, the sort of question I have no answer for (or I guess I would be one of the guys making millions...).
I take it you have experience in this area? my knowledge is sketchy at best - which I would guess you'd picked up on already!
Experience with MSIE bugs... yes, definitely. And a few scars from when I banged my head against the nearest wall to prove it.
Seriously though, I've been working with web browsers since the mid nineties and have seen a lot of developments taking place. And I can forgive quite a lot. There are always conflicts between internal requirements and specifications, or new developments that have not been properly standardized yet. And there are of course simple bugs that just happen.
What I really can't forgive is Microsoft labeling every major bug as a feature and the notion that keeping Microsoft's support costs low by never changing anything is better than making even tiny changes (PNG transparency comes to mind) that would lower the costs for web development dramatically.