El_Caz: I love Mount and Blade. It's actually the game with the smallest metacritic score on my Steam account and I think it's the one I've played the most.
Don't play it for the non existing story. This is purely sandbox and you decide where to go and what to do. Repetitive quests are given if you look for them that'll give you gold or a better standing with the Lords. You get a map where you run around visiting villages and cities and when you come into combat with bandits or enemy armies, a 3d combat level opens and you fight in it in third person style, along with all your soldiers you may have recruited on the way. There's an RPG element where you manage an inventory and put points on certain skills and attributes but it's pretty simple. The game has an active modding community, and some have blown the vanilla version out of the water (Sword of Damocles comes to mind).
The thrill of running around with your soldiers on the same field of battle, of destroying an army twice your size, of slashing through enemy heads with your blade from your horse, of sniping them with your bow when they run away, of gathering enough troops to conquer a castle, of being elected Marshall so you can rally the lords of your faction to join you in battle and have them follow your orders, of looking at how the cities and villages of the map start changing into your color... it's all pretty good.
Recommended for the action types, who care little for a story being told to them and more for leveling and combat.
PS: There's some number humping in the game (higher level and higher skill points on specific skills allows you to do more damage) but using a bow with some accuracy or slashing enemies from your horse or even fighting and blocking with your sword and shield demand skill from the player with his mouse and keyboard.
tb87670: I got my money out of this game in a few weeks and I bought it at full price long ago. But, instead of installing it through Steam I used my serial key on the independent game installer from their official page, that way I didn't need Steam on to run it. Just find the r-click option on the game to find your serial like I did.
Also yes Warband is coming out soon, I think this is Steam's attempt to get one last boost of sales out of M&B before it disappears into history as a prequel/beta of Warband. It's really obvious actually but I don't blame them, Steam and Valve are all about the money and they got one last chance to get some out of this product so..........