Salsa_Shark: Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines.
Baldurs Gate 1 & 2.
Battlefield 2.
Supreme Commander.
GameRager: This has got to be a joke.....most of that list are some of the best games of all time on gog and elsewhere, in their respective genres.
No joke these were games i had heard great things about and when i actually played them while not necessarily bad they are in my opinion not worthy of the praise they receive.
VTMB was alright but did nothing particularly well imo. The characters were ok, dialogue wasn't great nor was the combat and the hotel level which i had heard so much about was noting special.
I enjoyed starcraft when i first played it but there are much better RTSs released both before and after that got nowhere near as much attention and praise.
I really liked PST and the icewind dale games are also good but i don't like BG 2 for a variety of reasons and i don't like bg1 because the PC moves very slowly which i find very annoying. In hindsight i should have just said BG2.
The shooting sucks in BF2 and that's all it has.
I didn't enjoy supreme commander and seeing as it is constantly compared to TA it is very overrated.
Those are the reasons i think they're overrated. I'm not trolling or being smug.