Posted October 31, 2011

New User
Registered: Jan 2009
From United States

Registered: Oct 2011
From Canada
Posted October 31, 2011
Oblivion. Bar none.
Morrowind was a mass of clashing culture, internal politics etc.
I paid AHEAD for Oblivion based on that.
Most over-rated game ever. Only good thing about it was Sean Bean. Lame story and atrocious ending. SPOILER ALERT--spend all your energy to put the emperor on the throne and what? Turns into a statue and no heir.
Overwhelmingly stupid ending. Threw my shoe at the screen. And so badly written that almost nobody even discusses it afterwards.
Next on my list--DOA add-ons and extras. Original game? Great idea with the opening stories then dies in the clutch. And the rip-off add-ons going on to make the game the most expensive pile of expansion packs in gaming history.
On top of that--it can't be played as truly evil or all your best companions will bail out.
Give me Torment for re-playability. Or Morrowind for world depth.
Graphics are great but there's plenty of writers out of work. Hire some, guys;)
Morrowind was a mass of clashing culture, internal politics etc.
I paid AHEAD for Oblivion based on that.
Most over-rated game ever. Only good thing about it was Sean Bean. Lame story and atrocious ending. SPOILER ALERT--spend all your energy to put the emperor on the throne and what? Turns into a statue and no heir.
Overwhelmingly stupid ending. Threw my shoe at the screen. And so badly written that almost nobody even discusses it afterwards.
Next on my list--DOA add-ons and extras. Original game? Great idea with the opening stories then dies in the clutch. And the rip-off add-ons going on to make the game the most expensive pile of expansion packs in gaming history.
On top of that--it can't be played as truly evil or all your best companions will bail out.
Give me Torment for re-playability. Or Morrowind for world depth.
Graphics are great but there's plenty of writers out of work. Hire some, guys;)

New User
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted October 31, 2011

Morrowind was a mass of clashing culture, internal politics etc.
I paid AHEAD for Oblivion based on that.
Most over-rated game ever. Only good thing about it was Sean Bean. Lame story and atrocious ending. SPOILER ALERT--spend all your energy to put the emperor on the throne and what? Turns into a statue and no heir.
Overwhelmingly stupid ending. Threw my shoe at the screen. And so badly written that almost nobody even discusses it afterwards.
Next on my list--DOA add-ons and extras. Original game? Great idea with the opening stories then dies in the clutch. And the rip-off add-ons going on to make the game the most expensive pile of expansion packs in gaming history.
On top of that--it can't be played as truly evil or all your best companions will bail out.
Give me Torment for re-playability. Or Morrowind for world depth.
Graphics are great but there's plenty of writers out of work. Hire some, guys;)
"Someone must turn off the radiation! You can either go in yourself, or send in one of your companions!"
"Umm, I choose to send in the guy who can survive radiation."
"You get the bad ending! You should have sacrificed yourself!"
Actually, it makes even LESS sense with the DLC.
Post edited October 31, 2011 by jefequeso

New User
Registered: Oct 2011
From United States
Posted October 31, 2011
Yeah, the Fallout 3 ending royally ticked me off. I sent in the companion that was resistant to and even healed by radiation and the game said it killed him just because it wanted to call me a douch for not wanting to be a martyr.

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted October 31, 2011
It has already been metioned a couple of times here, but I want to mention it again - Syberia.
Yeah, awesome artwork. Not awesome everything else.
I thought the characters were extremely lame and full of cliches. I didn't find Kate to be interesting at all. The main plot was a bore. I constantly found myself asking, "Why should I care?"
Things move really slowly. Lots of completely pointless screens. A useless dialogue notebook.
It had nice music. Unfortunately, it only had four tracks - one for each area that played everytime you did anything significant.
The puzzles themselves were not really interesting or challenging, they just took a long time because you usually had to run through about twenty or thirty screens to solve them.
Yeah, it was revolutionary. It ushered in years of new, crappy clones that wouldn't have been made before.
Yeah, awesome artwork. Not awesome everything else.
I thought the characters were extremely lame and full of cliches. I didn't find Kate to be interesting at all. The main plot was a bore. I constantly found myself asking, "Why should I care?"
Things move really slowly. Lots of completely pointless screens. A useless dialogue notebook.
It had nice music. Unfortunately, it only had four tracks - one for each area that played everytime you did anything significant.
The puzzles themselves were not really interesting or challenging, they just took a long time because you usually had to run through about twenty or thirty screens to solve them.
Yeah, it was revolutionary. It ushered in years of new, crappy clones that wouldn't have been made before.
Post edited October 31, 2011 by AdamR

New User
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted October 31, 2011

It >:(
And honestly, I don't hate Fallout 3, but I really can't believe how much praise it gets. Modern gamers seem to think it's some sort of example of open world RPG perfection. I have to wonder if anyone actually stopped at any point during their playthrough and said "Am I having any fun?" Because while the world is huge and detailed and there's tons to do, and the sense of immersion is there...none of it is any fun :P.

Don't Panic
Registered: Nov 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted November 01, 2011

On top of that--it can't be played as truly evil or all your best companions will bail out.
Give me Torment for re-playability. Or Morrowind for world depth.
Graphics are great but there's plenty of writers out of work. Hire some, guys;)

New User
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted November 01, 2011

Registered: May 2010
From United States
Posted November 01, 2011
Lol I read it as Defense of the Ancients DOA :/

New User
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted November 01, 2011
Ohhhh... I guess he quoted me by mistake :3
Post edited November 01, 2011 by jefequeso

Don't Panic
Registered: Nov 2010
From United Kingdom

New User
Registered: Aug 2011
From Estonia
Posted November 01, 2011
I agree with many of you
that Fallout 3 is total garbage and NV aswell .. just because the story is crappy and the game is too easy! and the New vegas aswell .. they are very good games if you look inside in them the engine and the RPG stuff u know .. descent RPG because theres not many RPGS.
Oblivion : is actually Very good RPG .. yes Morwind is better id say but whatever theyr both good imo..
Half Life 2
Yes HL2 .. engine is fantastick and on 2004 its just epic .. but the game is really booring...and its not intresting id say but yeah
But i must disagree on HL 1... Half Life 1 was very good game imo.
..And some Minor Overrated games
Duke Nukem 3D .. Yes its amazing 5/5 Build engine game
but its overrated because theres many other Build engine games like
Shadow Warrior witch is very good but downrated
Redneck rampage witch is also very unknown
Blood = THE BEST BUILD ENGINE GAME .. In my opinion .. witch is also kind of downrated compared to Duke Nukem 3D .. im sorry if im wrong.
and some more Overrated games hehe
Counter Strike
Counter Strike Source..
no comments
Runescape.. also no comments ( if it counts here )
Call of Duty games since CoD 5 WaW to Black ops ( or MW3 are OP)
Why not Cod 4 ? it was blast in that time and very good game but its getting old for now.. and cheap cause 60€ + mapacks (4 usually total) 120€ for copy paste .. hehe but we all got our tastes so if u play cod or any other OR games i dont mind at all hehe
World of Warcraft.. yeesh yeesh hehe
so WoW basically yes its OR but i also played WoW for 2 years and it was very simple and good i must say it was very Easy to play yet so hard if you PVP and also you must bow on Blizzard ( u dont have to if you hate mmos and / or got ur own reasons .. ) anyways
Blizzard has done very good job on the WoW .. updates and expansions to keep the game alive .. its very simple like I sayd and its very fun game if you got Friends yes yes like a facebook game haha but if ur alone or bored or busy with school / job its timewaste / or distracts you in many cases .. and well as u see the nolifers..
Overally on WoW : Its MMO and not much of a game imo by that i mean MMO-s cost monthly fee and should not be reviewed much .. review is good to know witch one to play but still in alot of cases they go boring ( like WoW goes .. its fun until you ding lvl 60 / 70 / 80 / 85 or whatever )
Overal 2# = WoW is OverRated but not for nothing ( atleast the first launch of WoW )
Overrated moreee games ?
Id say Crysis because it was cool then some aliens game , i lost my intrest ..
the graphicks are not that good .. and i must say its more graphicks than a game lol (Metarcritic score 91/100) .. id give 75 to 80 or so
Overated ALOT
Portal 2..
The game was nice the price was Avarage on first launch .. BUT
it has 95 of metascore outa 100
and the singleplayer is well i must say its not very u know intresting or something like that .. its fun .. its good .. but the puzzles are very easy i must say..
Biggest dissapointment...
we can handle the SP but!
It was very cool and fun .. til it was over... and theres not much of a content naymore.. but i think if you download some map packs ( if can ) and some stuff it can still get your intrest but overally not my game ..because i got slow internet speed and i got no time to download the game every half year just in hope that valve makes new DLC with small content
I stop for now even tho i think i can continue...
I Hope you like my reviews and are not mad i made very long post
Thanks for reading
that Fallout 3 is total garbage and NV aswell .. just because the story is crappy and the game is too easy! and the New vegas aswell .. they are very good games if you look inside in them the engine and the RPG stuff u know .. descent RPG because theres not many RPGS.
Oblivion : is actually Very good RPG .. yes Morwind is better id say but whatever theyr both good imo..
Half Life 2
Yes HL2 .. engine is fantastick and on 2004 its just epic .. but the game is really booring...and its not intresting id say but yeah
But i must disagree on HL 1... Half Life 1 was very good game imo.
..And some Minor Overrated games
Duke Nukem 3D .. Yes its amazing 5/5 Build engine game
but its overrated because theres many other Build engine games like
Shadow Warrior witch is very good but downrated
Redneck rampage witch is also very unknown
Blood = THE BEST BUILD ENGINE GAME .. In my opinion .. witch is also kind of downrated compared to Duke Nukem 3D .. im sorry if im wrong.
and some more Overrated games hehe
Counter Strike
Counter Strike Source..
no comments
Runescape.. also no comments ( if it counts here )
Call of Duty games since CoD 5 WaW to Black ops ( or MW3 are OP)
Why not Cod 4 ? it was blast in that time and very good game but its getting old for now.. and cheap cause 60€ + mapacks (4 usually total) 120€ for copy paste .. hehe but we all got our tastes so if u play cod or any other OR games i dont mind at all hehe
World of Warcraft.. yeesh yeesh hehe
so WoW basically yes its OR but i also played WoW for 2 years and it was very simple and good i must say it was very Easy to play yet so hard if you PVP and also you must bow on Blizzard ( u dont have to if you hate mmos and / or got ur own reasons .. ) anyways
Blizzard has done very good job on the WoW .. updates and expansions to keep the game alive .. its very simple like I sayd and its very fun game if you got Friends yes yes like a facebook game haha but if ur alone or bored or busy with school / job its timewaste / or distracts you in many cases .. and well as u see the nolifers..
Overally on WoW : Its MMO and not much of a game imo by that i mean MMO-s cost monthly fee and should not be reviewed much .. review is good to know witch one to play but still in alot of cases they go boring ( like WoW goes .. its fun until you ding lvl 60 / 70 / 80 / 85 or whatever )
Overal 2# = WoW is OverRated but not for nothing ( atleast the first launch of WoW )
Overrated moreee games ?
Id say Crysis because it was cool then some aliens game , i lost my intrest ..
the graphicks are not that good .. and i must say its more graphicks than a game lol (Metarcritic score 91/100) .. id give 75 to 80 or so
Overated ALOT
Portal 2..
The game was nice the price was Avarage on first launch .. BUT
it has 95 of metascore outa 100
and the singleplayer is well i must say its not very u know intresting or something like that .. its fun .. its good .. but the puzzles are very easy i must say..
Biggest dissapointment...
we can handle the SP but!
It was very cool and fun .. til it was over... and theres not much of a content naymore.. but i think if you download some map packs ( if can ) and some stuff it can still get your intrest but overally not my game ..because i got slow internet speed and i got no time to download the game every half year just in hope that valve makes new DLC with small content
I stop for now even tho i think i can continue...
I Hope you like my reviews and are not mad i made very long post
Thanks for reading

buy Evil Genius
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted November 01, 2011

that Fallout 3 is total garbage and NV aswell .. just because the story is crappy and the game is too easy! and the New vegas aswell .. they are very good games if you look inside in them the engine and the RPG stuff u know .. descent RPG because theres not many RPGS.
Ultimately, through most of the game it's too easy, and then you get to a few points where it gets really hard. You can make it harder by going HC and assigning most of your skill points to things that don't help with combat, and also not lock pick or science.

Registered: Oct 2009
From United States

New User
Registered: Aug 2011
From Estonia
Posted November 01, 2011

that Fallout 3 is total garbage and NV aswell .. just because the story is crappy and the game is too easy! and the New vegas aswell .. they are very good games if you look inside in them the engine and the RPG stuff u know .. descent RPG because theres not many RPGS.

And.. even on Hardcore Hardcore the game was simply too easy
Ultimately, through most of the game it's too easy, and then you get to a few points where it gets really hard. You can make it harder by going HC and assigning most of your skill points to things that don't help with combat, and also not lock pick or science.

that Fallout 3 is total garbage and NV aswell .. just because the story is crappy and the game is too easy! and the New vegas aswell .. they are very good games if you look inside in them the engine and the RPG stuff u know .. descent RPG because theres not many RPGS.

Ultimately, through most of the game it's too easy, and then you get to a few points where it gets really hard. You can make it harder by going HC and assigning most of your skill points to things that don't help with combat, and also not lock pick or science.
Post edited November 01, 2011 by Keron320