Jernfuglen: I forgot Burnout paradise. It's actually an entertaining game, but also too repetitive for me.
Burnout Paradise : Ultimate Box?
It's a <censored> joke. No, sorry. Jokes are funny. THAT game is so <censored> PAINFUL to play it's unbelievable unless you've tried it :
*10 minute "Loading" screens. Complete with "Paradise City" music by Guns n' Roses on repeat - not a bad track, not that short, either, but it quickly sours on you in this game.
*MUST login to EA servers to save ANY progress. Often fails. Must create about 3 different logins and names, and then pray very, very, very hard it works. Must be a certain type of EA account, which they *NEVER* tell you which one it must be....Customer support? lol. You're 'avin' a giraffe!
*The races aren't too bad, until you hit a section that needs to buffer up in the memory. And then you're screwed. Ditto stunt challenges.
*constant, random crashes, halts, system freeze and loads. And I mean *CONSTANT*.
It's a VERY badly ported console game, and Boy! Does it show. I paid £5 in a sale for it. Total waste of money. If I'd known it would be THAT frustrating to play, I wouldn't have paid 50p for it.