meowstef: I'm surprised no one has mentioned the witcher 2 ...
I also remember vampire the masquerade redemption ...
Are you joking? I cut through Witcher 2 like a knife through butter. Frankly, I see it as another victim of "consolisation".
I do agree with VtM:R. The final boss battle was pretty hard however I had already problems after the certain cliffhanger happened in the middle of game, so I didn't fell sudden nausea :D. I beat him twice back then because I wanted to see the other ending. Aw, memories... I still cringe when I recall the bad pronunciation of Anezka's name.
I have had the biggest problem with final boss battle in Omikron. I played it as a teenager and I actually dropped the game because I tried it many and many times and just couldn't do it. Very steep difficulty change. I wonder if I would be able to nowadays.
The second one is Praetorian in Mass Effect 2. I had really, really hard time and it was probably the hardest battle in whole trilogy. I tried it on Hardcore months ago and I got stuck at the exact same battle for a long time again, lol. But the sense of achievement!
And the last I can think of is the damned cirkus battle in the finale part in Psychonauts. The time restriction was brutal.
hucklebarry: Ming was pretty rough if you didn't have alot of points put into the correct weaponry.
Aah, this lady. I so panicked when I ended up in that claustrophobic room with many enemies and her.