Posted May 28, 2013

In fact, f##k video game bosses in general.

There is a boss you have to hit only after grabbing a certain tome of several displayed on pedestals. You can only stand up and move when the boss is stunned which is next to impossible to tell when he's stunned because he looks almost identical to when he isn't stunned. It's not like PunchOut where they went cross eyed to let you know they were momentarily incapacitated.

The first boss (some douche with fire hands) on TR3 I couldn't get past, so I had to cheat.
I'm trying to remember the bug boss. I blacked out all the boss battles from that game. :P
You had to shoot out it's glands/sacks/whatever before you could kill it. That did suck and it did take me the better part of a day. I think I eventually figured out a way to keep side stepping so that my aim never left the sacks and I was able to blast them off relatively quickly, then it was all cake from there.
Post edited May 28, 2013 by tinyE