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muttly13: Dont Starve. I want to like it so much, but its just another collect stuff game without anything happening. The "keep doing stuff to unlock X" model has never appealed to me. I thought DS might be different and I love the atmosphere, but its not enough.
I can't say I'm disappointed in the game, I still like it but I agree that the unlock stuff is bothersome especially with its roguelike nature where you have advanced a few days you will have to start right back over and that pushes my patience and motivation over the edge not the mention the overall enjoyment I could get for something like that.

Still, I think the game was worth it because of the first time you play and it's exciting due to the setting.
Raiden Legacy
It is not so much the games in this collection are bad, but the emulation for these titles are just awful, not to mention you can't insert credits to continue the game.
Post edited January 02, 2014 by SpooferJahk
I would've been fine not-buying Ultima 1+2+3 when I bought all those Ultima games. The series didn't get good until 4, and even then... you get tired of the same Avatar oh-so-holy spiel if you start the next game immediately after finishing the last.
Baldur's Gate I. I don't know why, but this game never really struck a cord with me, I kind of just got bored with it and just wanted to move on to BG2. The story was just kind of bland to me. Though I must say, I am in the process of playing the second right now and am enjoying the heck out of it. I love all the companions in this game (Except for Nalia).
Blood freaking II

I'll give it another go some day, maybe.
jefequeso: Blood freaking II

I'll give it another go some day, maybe.
Try it again. It's crappy in a pretty loveable way :)
muttly13: Dont Starve. I want to like it so much, but its just another collect stuff game without anything happening. The "keep doing stuff to unlock X" model has never appealed to me. I thought DS might be different and I love the atmosphere, but its not enough.
Nirth: I can't say I'm disappointed in the game, I still like it but I agree that the unlock stuff is bothersome especially with its roguelike nature where you have advanced a few days you will have to start right back over and that pushes my patience and motivation over the edge not the mention the overall enjoyment I could get for something like that.

Still, I think the game was worth it because of the first time you play and it's exciting due to the setting.
Yeah Me too I got to day 32 and died and had to start all the way back at day 1-1 YEAAAAAAAAAARH!
None so far. Do my research :D
Now i have my first real disappointed game bought: 1nsane.
The first game i can't get running. Only good that it was a promo game.
Schnuff: Now i have my first real disappointed game bought: 1nsane.
The first game i can't get running. Only good that it was a promo game.
Have you contacted support and or the community forum? Do that before you give up. I know many people here expect that games will work out of the box just like that but sometimes it's as easy as updating a driver, changing a graphical setting or adding the right compatibility mode that it's worth the 5-10 minutes it takes to do the necessary research. ;)
HereForTheBeer: So far, Syndicate. May give it another shot. Then again, the huge backlog means this can be ignored without missing any gaming time.
Sir, kindly stop murdering my golden childhood memories.

...ive bought it here myself, but havent actually had the time to replay it yet and see how bad nostalgia attack i would get.

Personally i cant really point out any single "bad purchase". Probably some game i bought at fullprice and was discounted the next day ;)
Nirth: Have you contacted support and or the community forum? Do that before you give up. I know many people here expect that games will work out of the box just like that but sometimes it's as easy as updating a driver, changing a graphical setting or adding the right compatibility mode that it's worth the 5-10 minutes it takes to do the necessary research. ;)
I tried for over an hour to run it...different settings...crashed every time.
The forum is not very helpful, but i checked other sites and the most helpful answers there were that the game
needs some dll's that are missing in Win7 (no compatibility don't work)...and that with an ATI card it would run.
Anyway its deleted now and next time i buy an older game I'll check for problems first.
iippo: ...ive bought it here myself, but havent actually had the time to replay it yet and see how bad nostalgia attack i would get.
clever. I did the same with catacombs pack and actually played it. I feel sorry for myself.
Balious: I say Fez. I always wanted to play it as the game was quite interesting. But once I finally did start playing, everytime we moved the screen it made me feel sick. And games rarely make me sick after playing portal with going through them so many times, followed with playing quite some ugly games and ones that give others motion sickness. Fez is the first game to actually make me feel sick and I couldn't really play it anymore for that reason which is a shame.

So perhaps not really a disappointing purchase but still a game I can't play :/
fr33kSh0w2012: Don't play Fez on a full stomach!
thebream: Easily Phantasmagoria. Just a mediocre, nothing game.

Others worth mentioning:

Space Quest 4 was frustrating, there were some parts that just seemed broken, like trying to get to the top of the hover rink without getting shot. Referring to youtube videos when I got stuck, I could see there was ample time in the video for the player to escape the Sequel Police, but when I played I barely had time to get into the rink before I was being shot at. Parts like that were jut unfair and inconsistent and meant I spent a large amount of time replaying the same part trying different things but with the same result. Humour wasn't memorable either.

B-17 Flying Fortress
Nothing wrong with the game. Just a game with a steep learning curve made even more difficult with a wholly inadequate guide. The pictures in the pdf manual showing the flight instruments are so low res, you cannot make out which pixel is what. And its hard when theres a shitload of dials, buttons and readings. Also wrong information in the manual, took me hours to figure out how to fire the turret. Manual said it was ' when it turned out to be the tilde key. I also couldnt get the autopilot thing to work where I could skip the large periods of uselss flying. All this blindly trying to figure out how to play the game properly robbed me of my will to play it.
fr33kSh0w2012: space quest 4 was running too fast that's what it was use this! slow it all the way down! it's not like dosboxes broken speed settings
Thanks but no, I've already finished the game and don't intend on playing it again. Also, the software isn't worth the price.
Today my ticket was answered (see above).
I did all they suggested...and the game is not running.
1nsane is still my biggest disappointment.