lowyhong: Bought Bioshock, expecting it to live up to the hype, and more importantly System Shock 2's legacy, and walking away feeling like I could have better spent $60 elsewhere, like buying used undies and burning them.
I read that article written recently about that evil A.I., and I doubt that ANY game could live up to a story like that. At the same time, I feel like the game's being given held a little higher than it deserves to be. I had no expectations of BioShock being some heir to Awesome Town, so I enjoyed it a lot.
As for disappointing experiences, I've had a few:
Hellgate: London: Bought that huge box set, only to find it sucked. This is the last time I get excited because something's called a successor to Diablo II!
Most first person rpg's that aren't Oblivion or Fallout 3: I hated how easily you could screw up your entire game in Deus Ex: Invisible War, and since I've hard most first person rpg's are like that, I decided to stick with Bethesda's new titles for the most part.
My PS2: It can't play PS1 games or PS2 games made on a compact disc. Now that I have a PS3, I can play the few PS1 games I bought before I realized this, but I can't play PS2 games on the PS3.
Skate 2: Skateboarding in this game feels very satisfying, but you constantly have to hear your annoying cameraman yell things like "Bangin'!" and "Holy crap!". Worse yet, there isn't an option to specifically shut him up.
Gitaroo Man: I love this game's style, but I can't get past that Goddamned blues bee. It's just too punishing.
Far Cry 2: Taking pills constantly while having to get more after they run out is the dumbest game mechanic ever. At least in Oblivion it gave you the option to handicap yourself like this, instead of forcing this on you!
Crazy Taxi: Why did you have to be on a compact disc? You worked perfectly for a while, but then my PS2 stopped playing them. I had so much fun with this game...
Final Fantasy VII: For a game that people tout as having the greatest storyline ever, its' story sure is average, with the "greatest" part dealing with how emotional the characters are. A bunch of people whining about how they aren't strong enough is not what I call gripping story.
Twisted Metal: Head-On for PS2: Instead of putting in some levels for the cancelled Black 2, why not just give me Black, especially since the Black 2 levels are not good?