JamesGecko: I'd like to hear these flaws. Not because I necessarily disagree with you; OOT definitely wasn't a perfect game. But as an initial try at adapting the Zelda formula to 3D, I think it worked fairly decently. Would fixing your observed flaws have fundamentally altered the basic game?
Weclock: Me too.
I think the game was good, but it was no where near as cool as ALTTP. Yes, as a 3D translation, OOT was very good, in a world where everyone was hyped up about "lets turn everything into 3D!" a world where super mario successfully translated into Super Mario 64, but really, it did lose a lot in that translation, and I've been thankful they've decided to keep the mobile versions 2d. but it's still depressing that they have such a hard on focus for this 3D version, each one since OOT has been a little more depressing, I am actually quite pleased with the windwaker though, it was very refreshing to see that new system and new style, in a format that to me felt watered down since majoras mask.
I have to agree that the transition to 3D was well done. The controls felt a bit shaky to me at times and controlling Epona was something I couldn't deal with at all, but generally the gameplay felt fairly adequate in 3D, which isn't necessarily a given. The graphics were nice, too, and since I played the game years later, I'd imagine it was just stunning to look at when it came out. So I would agree that it's very well made in these regards. However, immersion and/or atmosphere are usually what draws me into a game and for me it really fell short here. Suspending disbelief is one thing, but even in the most alien fantasy setting, some things just don't go over too well and I'd argue that OoT had tons of story and design decisions that fit this description all too well and at least for me broke any form of immersion whenever it got the chance. For example (some spoilers her ldo):
More annoying than anything else, really, but this one has to make the list.
So you start the game as young Link and the big talking tree, that seems to be the chief of the village wants to talk to you. Apparently it's urgent. However, you can't go to the tree, because an obnoxious brat is blocking your way and demands that you have sword and shield to pass. See, as far as I'm concerned that boy gets a smack in the face and that's about it. Who gave that kid any form of authority. What would the Deku Tree say, if I couldn't find sword and shield? "well, it was fairly important and actually a matter of life and death, but if that eight year old boy demands that stuff, I guess there's nothing we can do about it."
Following the initial fiasco we get ourself into breaking pots for money, finding boomerangs, using bombs on cracks in walls, mostly standard stuff. Which is probably fine, something new would have been nice, but we have the whole 3D transition going on, so that's probably a valid reason to stick to gameplay mechanics that worked so far. I can't really say I had fun with that, but that's most likely my own fault.
Fast forward to warping into the future for the first time and meeting with the sages. The following conversation went something like this:
"See, Ganon rules over Hyrule now, which kind of sucks. Now all he needs is the Master Sword, then he will be completely unstoppable."
"Fortunately the sword is sealed in stone and can only be released by the Hero of Time, which would be you, Link."
"Great, so if I just never release the sword, he'll never get his hands on it and we got that problem out of the way."
"True. Now go and release the sword."
"Excuse me?"
"Well you know, the Master Sword, the Hero of Time, we kinda have a game going on here."
"How about no? See, I have this handy ocarina and I could just jump back in time to a point where he was known as Ganondorf, some random weakling. And you guys witnessed his rise to power, with that knowledge it's a walk in the park to foil his plans in the past."
"You don't get it, do you? That's not how we do things around here. Now get the damn sword already!"
I get it, time traveling is a complicated beast. And I really don't need a good story to enjoy a game. I can enjoy games with stories that don't go much further than standard fantasy stuff. But this is borderline insulting.
Whatever, let's roll with it for now and get the hookshot along the way, which isn't much of a surprise, really. After a few hours of gameplay I'd describe as boring (again, if I'm not into that stuff, my bad), we dive into the water temple and I will say that I loved that part. Beautiful environment, engaging puzzles (as far as I remember, that is) and it's underwater, it doesn't get much better than that. Unfortunately I can't say the same about the miniboss. One of these "you are your own worst enemy scenarios", I admit I expected more of a puzzle than a fight, with an incredibly clever solution. As it turns out, I had to smash his skull with a blunt object.
Now it's possible that this was meant as an analogy to "rock beats scissors", but at this point I'm hesitating to give the game that much credit. If it is, though, I stand corrected and have to admit that's not bad at all.
Meanwhile I ran into design choices, that have been questionable imo. Like the first fairy upgrade on top that mountain, which is located right next to entrance area to the fire temple. Now maybe I'm just stupid, but if I'm told there's a cave on top of the mountain, and I find one cave on top of the mountain, I initially assume this is where I have to go. Which, as it turned out, wasn't the case. However, being on a timer before being burnt to a crisp didn't really help finding that out, since having not found anything in the overheated region, I assumed I just suck at the game. See, this is frustrating design in my book.
The same with the delivery quests, that eventually would lead to Biggoron's Sword from what I heard. If I have to deliver something to the laboratory at the lake on a timer, that's fine. If I get an autofail, when I whip out my ocarina and shortcut to the water temple, it isn't. Not only is there no reason, why this would happen, the game also punishes you for using a tool it gave to you in the first place.
I still made it to Gerudo Village, got stripped of all my stuff and incarcerated. The first attempt of escaping ended with me being discovered. So I changed my plan to sneaking up to the guards and whacking them in the head from behind on the second try. Which again ended with me being discovered. "Ah, a stealth mission!", I thought to myself, "I have to sneak around and constantly stay out of sight." Which resulted in multiple failures and me finally looking the whole thing up in a faq. Apparently I had to use my hookshot to stun these guys. See, this is a problem imo. It was brought to my attention, that the hookshot always had that effect in Zelda games, but it's nonetheless fairly counterintuitive, especially if you're relatively new to the series. That thing is a hook on a massive chain, seems like that would work out to mutilate rather then to stun. It probably makes sense from a gameplay standpoint, at least in the ruleset the game provides you with, but it doesn't make much sense under any other circumstance. And the game is full of that stuff, which acts as a constant reminder that you're playing, in fact, a game. Which is okay, I guess, if that's all you're looking for, but it completely lacks any immersive qualities. Even completely abstract puzzle games can get you into a rush, where you forget, that you're playing a game, because you're totally captured by it. An adventure game, that has the advantage of a storyline, should be even better at immersion and it's something I simply expect from that genre.
Again, it's probably not a big deal, if you're looking for solid gameplay and not much more. I can't say I particularly enjoyed OoT's core gameplay, but I can see why others would. However, the game's tendency to break all immersion any chance it gets was the dealbreaker for me. And I'm not the guy who goes into movies to nitpick them apart, I'm actually fairly gullible when it comes to fiction, so if a fictional work gets me to the point, where I refuse to finish it because of that, something went horribly wrong. I can see why it would be regarded as a good game, it's probably not my cup of tea, fine, my loss. But I stand by my belief that it has the worst story in the history of everything and is severely lacking immersive qualities and based on that I'm as baffled about it's general reception as the majority of gamers is about my opinion about the game.
In the end it's probably a matter of taste and apparently mine is rather different. But with all the praise the game got and me having had a blast with Link's Awakening (which was brilliant imo), I had fairly high expectations and it was kind of disappointing to be so underwhelmed by the actual experience.