Posted April 25, 2014

Here's proof #1.
Loco Cycle was exclusive to Xbox 360 and Xbox One now it's been released for sale on Steam since February 14th, 2014 Microsoft Studios publishes Loco Cycle.
Here's proof #2.
Project Spark was Xbox One exclusive Microsoft never mentioned it will be released for PC for sale at E3 2013 then about 1 month later Microsoft announced it's coming to PC. It's on PC now in beta.
Here's proof #3.
Max: The Curse of the Brotherhood was Xbox One exclusive and I think Xbox 306 as well now it's for sale on Steam. It's published by Microsoft Game Studios.
"Microsoft said that they will most likely release every single Xbox, Xbox 360, and Xbox One exclusive video game for sale on PC on Steam and possibly I think it's because Steam is so huge on the PC right now"
There's a fucking HUGE difference between releasing a few indies and a mobile game on PCs and releasing "every single Xbox, Xbox and Xbox One game", which is what YOU claimed. I want to know where are the other games. I want to know where's Fable 2, Forza, Gears of War (from the second one on), Crackdown, Blinx, Kingdom Under Fire, Kameo, Banjo Kazooie, Perfect Dark, Fusion Frenzy, Conker, Ryse, Midtown Madness 3 and many other Microsoft IPs. You claimed that Microsoft said that they wanted to release every single Xbox, Xbox 360 and Xbox One game. That's a pretty massive list of games, that's why i want proof.

Microsoft itself said that they have no plans for more Halo games on Steam right now.
Because Halo 4 runs on PCs? Surprise, every console game runs on PCs.
When was the last time Microsoft released an AAA Xbox game on the PC? Halo 2 in 2007? People still have hopes for Microsoft on the PC? C'mon, even that F2P AOE was shut down. And to replace it, they're making a MOBILE AOE game for iOS. Even iOS is getting more attention from Microsoft than PCs nowadays.
Post edited April 25, 2014 by Neobr10