PoSSeSSeDCoW: Hopefully this makes it so less people buy it on PC.
The more MW2 fails on PC, the better.
You think the moar justification they have for their bull**** "the PC is a dying, piracy platform" rationale, the better?
No, if it performs badly it will just hasten the flight of some devs away from the system. I mean, if a "sure thing" as incredibly as Modern Warfare can't be a blockbuster, what hope does innocent and naive up and coming franchise have?
Yeah, I think this delay is about piracy, and I think at this point it's a deliberate policy. They reason that that if they stave off the appearance of warez copies, some impatient people might actually by the console version. Console version nets them more money and they owe less post-release support to those customers. It's win-win-win for them.