TheCheese33: I'm sick and tired of gamers in general being shitted on this generation. Every console and PC user has had the parent company or some developer raise them the middle finger. Worse yet, the mass are accepting it, like how 360 owners accept paying $50 a year to use their own internet to play online, how PS3 owners deal with shoddy ports of the games obviously developed with the 360 in mind and having a five download limit for all digital content, how the Wii is home to so much shovelware that it's very hard to find the good titles in the sea of bad at stores like GameStop, how the PSP almost exclusively gets dumbed-down console games when it should be getting games tailored to the system, and how the DS has two different hardware versions that mean no matter which one you happen to own, you'll miss out on some of the games that are put out for the system.
The console owners bitch and bitch at each other about how the other one's system screws the user over, when the joke's on them, because we're all getting screwed over equally. The PS3 already has something like TAGES. Once you download a game five times, good luck doing it six. Microsoft lets you download as many times as you want...but good luck trying to give the copy you bought to your friend. For the Wii, games stay on that console, period. If your Wii breaks, even if you store the games on an SD card, you're screwed.
The DRM is seeping through the cracks into the consoles, and has been for some time, but nobody seems to notice or care, because they're willing to pay a premium for something they can play on a large screen, without having to worry about simple things like upgrading. Even upgrading is being fed to them discreetly, with Wii MotionPlus and Sony and Microsoft's answers to motion control, whenever they come out.
Gaming is going down the drain, and nobody seems to notice or care.
Uhh, I've downloaded all of my PS3 games that I have purchased far more than five times. In fact, I am very happy with my PS3 and PC experiences as of late, between GOG, Steam, and PS3's exclusives and downloads. Perhaps you are talking about "Activating" five consoles? I don't see a problem there, seeing as you can manage which consoles are activated very easily. I like being able to manage that sort of thing easily.
EDIT: Sorry, I didn't see that this was addressed right above my post. But yeah, with movies on PSN, you are screwed if your download fails... with games, it's a system that works great.